LocalLit book preview: the how-tos of good dementia care

‘Moments’ by Rosemary Dunne will be reviewed in LocalLit newsletter on Tuesday

“Moments" is a "quality, inspirational resource for everyone who provides care to another be they health care leaders, professional caregivers, volunteers, family or friends," according to the description on the author's website.

Sometimes the right book finds you at just the right time.

Such is the case with “Moments: From Extraordinary Programs to Extraordinary Moments” by Rosemary Dunne. Her book is intended to be a resource for professionals working with dementia and Alzheimer’s patients. But anyone who has a loved one (or two loved ones, as I currently have) with these conditions can benefit from it, too.

A quick browse through “Moments” and I’ve already made some adjustments in my thinking. Also, Dunne ends each chapter for reflection questions, to help the reader effect real change. I will review this book in Tuesday’s LocalLit newsletter.

Dunne’s website said she is a recreation therapist and certified professional consultant on aging and has a master’s degree in health leadership and policy in senior’s care. She is aso the assistant executive director and director of lifestyles and therapeutic services at a British Columbia complex care home.

She also served as a care partner for her own mother who had dementia. So Dunne has both the knowledge and experience to offer a book with simple models of programming for people.

I did not find “Moments” on Amazon, but it is available through Dunne’s website at rosemarydunne.com.

Here is the book’s description: “‘Moments’ promotes a way of being rather than doing. It is an inspirational read that promotes a shift in thinking and acting. “Moments” encourages the reader to reflect on how they act/react in moments of care and interaction with others encouraging the individual to make a conscious shift to create and lead more person-centered moments.

“This is a book that supports life-changing practice that validates and honours [sic] the person for whom we provide care and quality of life.

“‘Moments’ is a quality, inspirational resource for everyone who provides care to another be they health care leaders, professional caregivers, volunteers, family or friends. Pick up your copy today and join the journey in honouring and validating the lives of those in our care.”

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