Drauden Point Middle School Assistant Principal Debbie Carpenter shows a group of incoming sixth graders the sixth grade hallway during a tour on Thursday, January 21, 2021. District 202 will begin returning to in-person learning in phases on Monday, January 25, 2021. (Photo provided)
District 202 in Plainfield started phasing students back to in-person learning in Monday, starting with approximately 300 special needs students.
Last week kindergarten students, six-graders and others who had not been in the buildings received tours. Teachers, staff and administrators conducted the tours.
Below are photos from the tour kindergarten students at Eichelberger Elementary School in Plainfield received.
EE Kindergarten Tour: Eichelberger Elementary School Principal Trevor Harris and Assistant Principal Kristen Salgado show a kindergarten student the directional floor decals to help maintain the flow of the building and social distancing when students return to in-person learning. (Photo provided)
Students saw the classrooms.
An Eichelberger Elementary School kindergartner and her mom visit her classroom during an in-person tour of the building on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. (Photo provided)
Students also received a tour of the gym.
Eichelberger Elementary School Principal Trevor Harris and Assistant Principal Kristen Salgado show a kindergarten student the gym during a building tour on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. District 202 will begin returning to in-person learning in phases on Monday, January 25, 2021. (Photo provided)
Students and their families also learned about safety protocols at the school.
Eichelberger Elementary School kindergartners and their parents learned about the COVID-19 safety protocols in place during a building tour on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. (Photo provided)