1) Celebrate migration from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at Four Rivers Environmental Education Center in Channahon. Features include live raptor presentations by Hoo’s Woods Raptor Center, wildlife photography from local artists, bird seed for sale from The Feed Loft, birdhouses and sculptures for sale from PK’s Wood Things, food truck (Lil’ Deb’s Mobile Eats), crafts, family activities and information booths. Free. All ages. For a full list of programs and times, visit reconnectwithnature.org.
2) Come out to the Open House & Touch-A-Truck event from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at Manhattan Village Hall, 260 Market Place, Manhattan. Tour village hall and the police department, take your photo behind Manhattan Mayor Mike Adrieansen’s desk, explore a variety of trucks, cars, plows and heavy equipment. Also, light refreshments, live acoustic music by Abbey Collins, balloon twisting by Chat-Tastic Balloons and face painting by Valery. Free. For information, call 815-418-2100 or villageofmanhattan.org.
3) Like cars? “We Roll for UCP-CDS”, a community car show hosted by Prison City Kruisers will be held 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday at Crossroads Christian Church, 2312 Essington Road, Joliet. Classic car owners register at ucp-cds.org/events for $20 in advance or $25 on event day. Also a food truck and 50/50 cash raffle. Event benefits United Cerebral Palsy-Center for Disability Services in Joliet. For more information, call 815-744-3500 ext. 220. On Sunday, Joliet Antique Auto Club Cruise will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Cantigny VFW 367, 826 Horseshoe Drive, Joliet. For information, contact Bill Muren at wamuren@yahoo.com or 815-210-5077.
4) Friends of the Joliet Public Library will host its spring book sale from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday at the Joliet Public Library, 3395 Black Road, Joliet. On Sunday, bags will be provided for one low price. Buyers fill up the bag. For information, call 815-740-2660 or visit jolietlibrary.org.
5) A JJC percussion and guitar concert will be held 3 p.m. Sunday at Joliet Junior College, 1214 Houbolt Road, J-0037 (lower level, Joliet. Features include compositions by Charles Mingus, Lennon/McCartney, Pieter Van Der Staak and a traditional Chilean folk melody arranged by Philippe Paviot (guitar ensemble); Afro-Cuban, Brazilian, contemporary and classical genres (percussion ensemble); and calypso, soca, pop, Brazilian, Afro-Cuban and classical favorites (steel band). In-person and virtual event. To register, visit jjc.edu/choose-your-path/liberal-fine-arts.
• Would you like your event featured in this weekly feature? The first step is submitting your events to the Herald-News’ community calendar at shawlocal.com/the-herald-news/local-events/#!/ where they are then considered for inclusion in this feature.