2025 Election Questionnaire: Glenda Wright-McCullum, Joliet City Council

Glenda Wright-McCullum

Name: Glenda Wright-McCullum

What office are you seeking? Joliet City Council-At-Large

What is your political party? N/A

What is your current age? 70

Occupation and employer: Marketing Coordinator at LSSI

What offices, if any, have you previously held? Currently, I am the Chairwoman of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Joliet

City: Joliet

Campaign Website: glendawrightmccullumcampaign.org

Education: Associate Degree in Human ResourcesHonorary Doctor of Divinity

Community Involvement: The Hope Center of JolietArise Community Development CorporationsGlenda McCullum Ministries

Marital status/Immediate family: SingleMother of 3 biological and adoptive mother of 5 childeren


Gun violence is still a problem in the city despite the police saying crime overall was down in 2023. What can the city do differently to address this ongoing issue?

To address the ongoing issue of crime and gun violence, I believe requires implementing a multifaceted approach that incorporates prevention, enforcement and community support:

I believe the implementation of stronger gun control by requiring stricter background checks; create a platform to facilitate more community policing in an effort to build trust between law enforcement and communities. The visibility of officers and community residents working closely together to form a partnership as officers become more integrated into neighborhoods, that visibility could greatly reduce crime.

It is a fact that poverty, unemployment and lack of access to education are major contributors to crime. By reducing the disparities of socioeconomic inequalities through job creation and improved education could potentially lead to long-term reductions in crime. Implementing voluntary gun buyback programs to reduce the number of firearms circulating could also be a factor in reducing gun violence and crime.

What is your vision for the city’s future development? What you would like to see in the city’s comprehensive plan being developed?

My vision for the future development of the city of Joliet is to ensure that every voice is heard, every neighborhood thrives, and every resident has the opportunity to succeed. It is one that prioritizes sustainability, inclusivity, economic growth, and quality of life for all residents.

I envision a city where opportunity and fairness are at the heart of every decision. A unified city is stronger together.

The city’s comprehensive plan should focus on creating a vibrant, resilient, and equitable city where people of all backgrounds can thrive.

The city’s comprehensive plan should include creating more affordable housing to address the rising cost of living; to include incentives for the development of affordable housing; especially in areas with easy access to transit, jobs and schools.

The city’s comprehensive plan should include mixed-income neighborhoods that will foster greater social inclusion and reduce segregation. Support for local businesses, workforce development, as well as affordable and accessible public transportation.

Housing affordability and shortage of quality multifamily housing has been labeled a county-wide problem. How can your city address this locally?

To address the challenges of housing affordability and the shortage of quality multifamily housing locally, our city must implement a multifaceted approach by:

Encouraging the development of affordable housing; working closely with developers to provide incentives such as tax breaks, grants, and expedited permit processes to build affordable housing units. These incentives can reduce construction costs and make it more attractive for developers to invest in affordable housing projects.

Also taking advantage of and rezone underutilized properties and land throughout the city. By identifying and repurposing underutilized or abandoned properties, we can create new housing opportunities. This not only addresses the housing shortage but also revitalizes neighborhoods and reduces blight.

By implementing inclusionary zoning; (ensuring that a certain percentage of new housing will be priced within the reach of middle-income buyers or renters); adopting inclusionary zoning policies can ensure that a percentage of new residential developments are designated for affordable housing. This promotes economic diversity within our communities and helps to integrate affordable housing throughout the city.

Partner with the Housing Authority of Joliet to provide project-based vouchers, thereby affording residents opportunities in choice neighborhoods.

What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?

My number one priority is Affordable Housing - Ensuring that every resident has access to safe, affordable, and quality housing is my top priority. I plan to address this issue by:

  • Adopting inclusionary zoning policies that will ensure that a percentage of new residential developments are designated for affordable housing. This promotes economic diversity within our communities and helps to integrate affordable housing throughout the city.
  • Increase Housing Assistance Programs: - Working closely with the Housing Authority of Joliet, of which I serve as Chairwoman, and expand programs that offer rental assistance, down payment assistance, and home-buyer education to make housing more accessible to low and moderate-income families. These programs help bridge the gap between housing costs and what residents can afford.

2. Economic Development - Fostering economic growth and development is essential for the prosperity of our city. I plan to achieve this bysupporting local businesses - Implementing policies that support local businesses and entrepreneurs will stimulate economic activity and create job opportunities. This includes providing grants, tax incentives, and resources for small businesses to thrive.

3. Sustainable Development - Promoting sustainable development practices is vital for the long-term health and well-being of our city. I plan to prioritize this by investing in public transportation infrastructure to reduce traffic congestion, lower emissions, and provide residents with affordable and convenient travel options. This includes expanding bus routes, improving bike lanes, and developing pedestrian-friendly areas.

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

Balancing economic development with environmental sustainability requires thoughtful planning and policies that consider long-term planning for people and the community.

I will advocate for urban planning to include mix-used neighborhoods, which will reduce the need for car travel and support local businesses.

  • Encourage businesses to adopt economic practices in which resources are reused, repaired or recycled rather than disposed of, thereby reducing waste and conserving natural resources
  • Develop infrastructure that is economically efficient and environmentally friendly. This includes investing in efficient waste management, water conservation technologies and efficient transportation networks.

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

Enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city involves a combination of strategic planning, investment in technology and ensuring that the needs of the residents are met.

I will advocate for plans to add new bus routes to the existing lines of transportation which will in turn reduce traffic congestion and accessibility for residents. These expansions should focus on the business district, residential areas, schools and hospitals.

Many cities are developing BRT systems - (Bus Rapid Transit) which are dedicated bus lanes that allow for faster, more efficient and reliable transportation.

What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?

City Council plays a critical role in fostering local businesses and economic growth by creating a supportive environment for entrepreneurs, workers and residents.

  • One way would be to simplify and speed up the process for business to obtain permits and licenses making the start up process easier; support small businesses by offering grants, microloans, or low interest loans to help businesses grow.
  • Also the Council can provide tax breaks incentives such as property tax abatements, business tax credits that can help reduce operating costs, especially for businesses that are just getting started.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

Public safety is always a high priority because it directly affects the resident’s quality of life and overall well-being; safety concerns of public health, policing, infrastructure. As I stated before, I propose strengthening relationships between residents and law enforcement to garner trust, institute violence prevention programs, improve lighting and surveillance in high crime areas, provide specialized de-escalation training for police officers when encountering mental health crises.

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

To promote inclusion for all residents, intentional actions are critical, especially for the citizens from marginalized, disadvantaged and underrepresented communities.

I will advocate to adopt policies that addresses inclusion in all areas, housing, employment, education, and public service. I will use this framework as a basis for making all decisions; Ensuring that my decisions are evaluated based on how that decision will impact different groups.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

Yes! requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest is essential for maintaining transparency, accountability and public trust. It is critical that elected officials as well as public servants act in the best interest of the public and not be swayed by personal or financial interests. I would enforce this by mandating disclosures of any financial interests, business relationships or personal connections that could potentially influence their decision making, directly and indirectly; and ensure that the disclosures are easily accessible to the public.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

Ensuring accessibility to all residents requires a proactive and inclusive approach. My accessibility will be realized by:

  • having regular community engagement such as quarterly town hall meetings, listening tours, social media, maintaining a user friendly website, holding live stream meetings, engage with community organizations, establish advisory boards or councils that represent different demographics to involve youth, seniors, and people with disabilities; to ensure their voices are heard
  • I will always attempt to be available with prompt responses; to assure the residents’ that their concerns are my concerns and to acknowledge and address them in a timely manner.
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