Lockport — The Lockport Township High School District 205 Board has appointed Candace Gerritsen to fill the vacancy left in June by the death of Dr. Sandra Chimon Rogers.
Twelve individuals applied to fill the vacancy, and seven were selected for interviews with the district administration last week. The board voted on the appointment at its Monday meeting.
Gerritsen was selected based on her resume and past involvement with the board, including partaking in the district’s Citizen Advisory Board. She has lived in District 205 for more than 20 years and has regularly volunteered with Will County School District 92 and District 205 as a parent. Her oldest child is a graduate of Lockport Township High School, while her youngest has just entered senior year.
Professionally, Gerritsen has more than 20 years of experience in “budgeting, facilities, IT, personnel and board management, and has “an entrepreneurial mindset” and “a desire to learn new things and help whenever possible,” according to her board biography. She also said that her goal is “to ensure every student has the opportunity to gain a strong education, be college and career-ready, and foster a sense of good citizenship and community pride.”
“I am honored to be selected to join the Board,” said Gerritsen. “I look forward to collaborating with a group of dedicated and caring individuals who are committed to students’ success and learning, while also supporting our highly dedicated staff, administration, and the local community. Volunteers at all levels play a crucial role in this success; I look forward to being able to contribute.”
In addition to filling the vacancy, the board also voted Monday to name board member Lou Ann Johnson as the new board secretary, a leadership role previously held by Chimon Rogers, and appointed four new student representatives to the board.
On Monday, the board welcomed seniors Averi Colella and Mia Fontanetta as the new student representatives to the board for the school year. The two will not vote on board actions and resolutions, but will attend all meetings and workshops with the elected board and provide commentary and insight from a student perspective to represent the student body.
Additionally, senior Wazeera Shekoni was approved for the role of student board member for the district’s finance and facilities committee, and senior Michael Dierkas was appointed as the student board member for the curriculum committee.
This is the second year the district has named student board members, and the program has been met with enthusiasm.
According to Superintendent Dr. Bob McBride, 26 students applied for the roles before Colella, Fontanetta, Shekoni and Dierkas were selected through an interview process similar to Garritsen’s.
“We are really excited to have student board members on our board,” Board President Ann Lopez-Caneva said. “They represent their peers and give us their feedback. They are the voice of our students.”