Joliet police uncover alleged guns-for-drugs scheme by Wilmington men

Aaron David (left) and Robert Delacruz.

An investigation by Joliet police officers uncovered an alleged scheme by two Wilmington men to trade guns for drugs, court records show.

On Wednesday, Aaron David, 38, and Robert Delacruz, 35, both of Wilmington, were charged with gunrunning for allegedly providing a Beretta firearm, a Colt AR-15 rifle and a M-900 Calico firearm to Isaiah Martin, 34, of Joliet.

Martin was arrested April 23 after a traffic stop in Joliet, during which officers found bags of suspected drugs in his underwear, according to a court filing from prosecutors.

Officers obtained a search warrant for Martin’s phone, which revealed texts with David and Delacruz regarding the “trade of firearms for narcotics,” prosecutors said.

David and Delacruz were apprehended in another traffic stop June 3.

After Delacruz was read his Miranda rights, he allegedly told officers that “he and David go to Joliet every day to buy heroin,” prosecutors said.

“Delacruz then admitted that he had conversations with Martin regarding narcotics transactions and firearm sales, and that he brokered the deal for the Beretta that belonged to David’s deceased father because he and David had no money for drugs,” prosecutors alleged.

Delacruz admitted that he and David sold the Beretta firearm, the Colt AR-15 rifle and the M-900 Calico firearm “for narcotics to Martin,” prosecutors said.

Delacruz and David have been charged with gunrunning, unlawful possession of fentanyl and the unlawful sale or delivery of firearms.

Martin has been charged with possession of cocaine with intent to deliver, possession of heroin with intent to deliver, as well as unlawful possession of cocaine and heroin. He’s been on pretrial release since April 29.

Will County Judge Ken Zelazo denied prosecutors’ request Wednesday to keep David and Delacruz in jail.

Zelazo ordered that both men submit to electronic monitoring while on pretrial release. They also are required to not possess weapons and surrender any in their possession. The two men also were ordered not to consume drugs or alcohol.

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