Volunteers do tree planting initiative at Midewin National Prairie

Illinois residents joined hands as volunteers of the global nonprofit organization Dr. Shri Nanasaheb Dharmadhikari Pratishthan for a tree planting event in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie in Wilmington on June 2.

Illinois residents joined hands as volunteers of the global nonprofit organization Dr. Shri Nanasaheb Dharmadhikari Pratishthan (DSNDP) for a tree planting event in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie in Wilmington on June 2.

The event drew 12 volunteers at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie Visitor Center, Wilmington who persistently worked on planting and watering for 48 volunteer hours to plant 1,669 native prairie trees with nine species like Eutrochium maculatum, Monarda fistulosa with height from 6- to 8-inches tall, according to a news release from DSNDP.

Earlier in Illinois, DSNDP participated in programs involving 23 volunteers who worked for 82 hours for planting and 2,690 trees by far. The joint effort between the USDA Forest Service and DSNDP signifies their shared commitment to enhancing the beauty of Illinois, progressing one mile at a time, according to the release.

Such initiatives are an integral part of DSNDP’s Nationwide Tree Plantation and Conservation Drive, reaching across 15 states and 33 cities, according to the release. DSNDP has successfully engaged 583 volunteers, actively planting 17650 trees and collecting more than 14,000 pounds of garbage and weeds, resulting in significant cost savings for the government, according to the release.

The organization is also involved in cleanliness drives across 18 states and 73 cities within the US. DSNDP is also involved in health initiatives such as the Women’s Cancer Awareness Conference successfully hosted in February 2023 and blood/ plasma donation drives in Canada and the United States in recent years.

For more information, visit http://www.dsndp.com.

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