The Will County Children’s Advocacy Center has announced the approval of two new additions to its board of directors—Frankfort Mayor Keith Ogle and Silver Cross Hospital’s interim president and CEO Michael Mutterer. The nominations were approved unanimously by the board at its April meeting.
In addition to serving as mayor of Frankfort, Ogle is the president of Plus One Audio Video and is active the the Frankfort Lions Club. He is also a former president of the Frankfort Chamber of Commerce and the Frankfort Library Board, as well as a former Frankfort village trustee and village clerk.
Mutterer is the successor on the board to late Silver Cross President and CEO Ruth Colby, who died in 2023. He is on the board of directors for Lightways Hospice and Serious Illness Care and Leading Age Illinois and is a member of the Joliet Rotary Club.
Will County Children’s Advocacy Center was created by Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow in 1995 as a child-focused, coordinated response center for children who have been victim to physical and sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, neglect and violence. The CAC provides trauma-focused individual and group counseling, medical exams, legal advocacy and community resource referrals for victims.