Enjoy a full day of high school baseball and softball games Saturday while also helping brain cancer research.
The CC2 Forever Foundation will host its annual Strike Out Cancer event from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Flink Field in Lockport. The cost is $5 for a full day of games or $20 for the games as well as food and beverages.
The fundraiser also will feature about 40 raffle baskets and 50/50 drawings, CC2 Forever Foundation merchandise for sale and an online auction, said Ginger Christian, Connor Christian’s mother.
The CC2 Forever Foundation was founded shortly after Connor Christian, 18, a Lockport resident and athlete, died 18 days after being diagnosed with a stage 4 glioblastoma, an aggressive brain tumor. Glioblastomas are incurable, according to the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center website.
[Connor] was just a young man that gave of his time and of himself to other people.”
— Scott Moerman, CC2 Forever Foundation board member
“To be able to turn such a devastating, horrible situation into something positive for others gives us so much comfort in honor of Connor,” Ginger Christian said.
Last year, the Strike Out Cancer event attracted 2,000 attendees, and the foundation donated $50,000 to the Northwestern Cancer Research Center, said Scott Moerman, CC2 Forever Foundation board member.
The CC2 Forever Foundation is planning to donate $50,000 to the Northwestern Cancer Research Center at the 2024 Strike Out Cancer event and an additional $50,000 at the CC2 Forever Golf Outing on Aug. 5 at Mistwood Golf Course in Romeoville, Moerman said.
Representatives from the Northwestern Cancer Research Center will be at both events to accept the donations, Moerman said.
Karen Kliebhan, director of philanthropy at the Northwestern Memorial Foundation, said the donations will support the efforts of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University.
In a prepared statement, Dr. Leonidas C. Platanias, director of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, expressed gratitude for the donations.
“We thank the CC2 Forever Foundation for their support to accelerate research efforts and thoughtfully expand our treatment options for patients with glioblastoma,” Platanias said in the statement. “At the Lurie Cancer Center, we unite some of the brightest minds in cancer research and treatment, and philanthropy allows us to take care of patients today, tomorrow and into the future.”
Moerman said the Strike Out Cancer event is fun way for families and friends to spend time together while raising money for cancer research. Almost everyone knows someone who’s battled cancer, he added.
“Connor was such a tremendous young man [who] was planning on being in the Air Force after he graduated from college – just a wonderful young man in our community,” Moerman said. “He was just a young man [who] gave of his time and of himself to other people.”
WHAT: Strike Out Cancer event
WHEN: Games run between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Saturday
WHERE: Lockport Township High School varsity baseball and softball fields, 1200 Garfield St., Lockport
COST: $5 donation at gate for all games or $20 donation for games, food and beverages. Baseball and softball games all day long.
ETC: About 40 raffle baskets, 50/50s, CC2 Forever Foundation merchandise for sale.
INFORMATION: For information about the CC2 Forever Foundation and to register for the golf outing Aug. 5, visit cc2forever.org. To view online auction items, visit one.bidpal.net/strikeoutcancer2024/welcome.