Writing news
April Noel is a playwright, actress and comedy improv founder about to step into another realm – that of film screenwriter and producer.
The group plans a one-year anniversary party featuring established poets' special readings.
GreenMan Theatre Troupe in Elmhurst will conduct auditions for its next murder mystery dinner: “Murder on the DeLorean Express,” and announces plans for a national playwriting festival.
Journalism students at South High School in Downers Grove took third place in the Illinois High School Association State Journalism competition.
“A memoir is different than a life story,” said Lawler. “Good memoirs connect writers and their audience on a personal level.”
Writers met Friday, March 3, 2023 at the Lee County Senior Center to hone their skills in writing a successful memoir.
Screenplay awards competitions heap praise on Woodstock writer's dramatic thriller “The Elvis Conspiracy.”
The seniors earned writing awards in a variety of genres.