Minooka Community High School District 111 news
The Minooka Community High School Board voted to approve the sale of $52 million in working cash bonds to move forward with the construction of a new Career and Technical Education Center and field house.
The 60,000-square-foot Village of Shorewood YMCA is being built in partnership with the village of Shorewood. Local officials gathered for a grounding-breaking ceremony for the facility on Thursday.
Search our table to see what designation your Morris or Grundy County school received on the 2024 school report card.
This week, the Illinois State Board of Education released school- and district-level data showing what percentage of Grundy County students were considered proficient in math and reading last year. Check out this chart to see if that's an improvement over the prior year.
Minooka and Plainfield Central’s girls volleyball teams will participate in the Hits for Hugs fundraiser to benefit Shorewood HUGS at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15. The event will include raffle baskets, shirt sales and a 50/50 raffle.
Minooka Community High School has announced that Johnathan Beck, Ayden Hollingsworth and Dino Persicketti have been named Commended Students in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program.
Minooka Community High School announced its honor roll students for the second semester.
Robert Tyrell, current principal at St. Jude, will head new parish school.
Minooka Community High School is recognizing the third quarter Student of the Term Honorees, which selects one student from each department based on nominations by teachers and staff.
Minooka Community High School junior Taylor Rodriguez has been accepted into the Exelon Foundation STEM Leadership Academy at University of Illinois-Chicago this summer.
Minooka Community High School has announced the following students has earned a place on its honor roll for the spring of 2023. Included students have attained a grade point average between 3 and 3.74 to earn honor roll and 3.75 or higher to achieve high honor roll at the end of
Minooka Community High School recognized this year’s fourth quarter Student of the Term honorees on May 9 at MCHS’ South Campus.
Here are the unofficial April 4 election results for Morris and Grundy County.
We've got updated unofficial election results for Joliet and Will County for you here
Question: Why are you running for office? Answer: Primarily, I am running out of service to my community and our children. Read Michael Hoyt's election questionnaire here.
Question: What is your assessment of how the COVID-19 pandemic was handled locally? Answer: For example, we know masks, plexiglass, and distancing did not prevent the spread of Covid-19. Read William Holmes' full election questionnaire here.
Question: Would you propose any changes to the curriculum? If so, what? Answer: I would advocate for sensible policies that aren’t purely reactive to current culture trends. Read Timothy Juskiewicz's full election questionnaire here.
The Minooka Community High School District 111 Board of Education has announced the hiring of Jamie Soliman as the new principal of Minooka Community High School.
Dominic Dubberstine-Ellerbrock of Minooka High School will be competing in the 2022 National High School Finals Rodeo Bull Riding event on July 17th through the 23rd in Wyoming.
Excellence in teaching is all-important to Kristen North, North, a career and technical education teacher at Minooka Community High School District #111. That's why she pursed National Board certification.
Lockport Township High School cuts the ribbon to L-Town Grounds coffee shop on East Campus
Dinner includes vegetarian, gluten free options
The Minooka Community High School District 111 Board of Education took no action during its meeting this week to discuss a possible lawsuit against Gov. JB Pritzker.
McGwire Andrew Holman created sensory stations at the Pilcher Park Nature Center
The former student said a classmate made a racist threat aimed toward him during a class in 2019