Ladd, Illinois news
The annual spring cleanup at Ladd Cemetery will begin Monday, March 24.
St. Bede Academy boys and girls track and field teams will be hosting a Lenten Fish Fry on from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 21, at the Ladd Moose, 1528 E. Cleveland St.
Gateway Services is hosting a fundraiser Wednesday, March 19, and Thursday, March 20, at Rip’s Tavern in Ladd, 311 N. Main Ave.
Amore Pizzeria, owned by Frankie Alfano, opened this month in Ladd at 105 N. Main Ave.
Dani Holland, program director for Shaw Local Radio and host at WALS 102, was named The MusicRow Reporter of the Year.
Schools in and around La Salle, Bureau and Putnam counties have announced closures and e-learning days ahead of a predicted snowstorm Wednesday.
The following cases were considered by the Bureau County Grand Jury on Jan. 17.
Ladd Public Library will host a meet and greet with Noah and Julie Hollinger at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, to learn all about their book, “Mangiamo!”
DePue and Spring Valley firefighters responded to their second structure fire in a 24-hour span Monday afternoon in DePue.
Steven J. Brown of Ladd assumed the top job of Worshipful Master, as St. John’s Lodge No. 13 Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Peru held its 184th annual installation of officers during an open ceremony on Saturday at the Peru Masonic Center.
Several Sauk Valley-area students have been named to the dean’s list.
The following property transfers were recently recorded at the Bureau County Recorder of Deeds’ office.
With cold temperatures predicted Tuesday morning, schools in La Salle, Bureau and Putnam counties are taking precautions to keep students safe.
The following property transfers were recorded Nov. 18-30, 2024, at the Bureau County Recorder of Deeds’ office.
Matt Wilhelm, a national BMX Rider, Guinness World Record holder and America’s Got Talent semifinalist performed tricks during an assembly on Monday at Ladd Grade School. Wilhelm shared his powerful message to the school while focusing on kindness, positivity and the differences that one person can make.
In celebration of its 25th anniversary Year, the 2025 Illinois Municipal Utilities Association Scholarship Program and Essay Contest will feature four $2,500 scholarship awards, one each to the competition’s top four finalists.
A truck-tractor cow hauler rolled over Thursday on Interstate 80 near the Spring Valley exit, leading to an additional crash and causing the interstate to be closed in both directions.
Multiple semi trucks rolled over on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025, near the Spring Valley exit on Interstate 80 near Ladd. A cattle hauler tipped over allowing cows to roam on Interstate 80. The interstate was closed in both directions for quite some time.
With the holiday season just around the corner, Ladd police has joined forces with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Drive High, Get a DUI enforcement campaign to ensure that festive gatherings don’t end in tragedy.
Lighted parades and Christmas walks in Oglesby and Ladd part of eventful weekend that includes holiday-themed performances.
Ladd will be Christmas central on Saturday, Dec. 14, with a number of holiday activities, including a lighted parade.
Area residents, businesses or organizations are invited to participate in a lighted Snowman Parade at 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14, as part of “There’s Snow Place Like Ladd” 2024 Ladd Christmas Walk.
Here is a roundup of Christmas activities across La Salle and Bureau counties and some surrounding communities.
Decorate your Ladd home and/or business for the holidays.
Here is the list of couples who applied for marriage licenses in La Salle County from Nov. 1 through Nov. 13, 2024.
Ladd Police Department is joining the Illinois State Police and local law enforcement agencies this Thanksgiving to ensure holiday travelers are buckled up and driving sober.
Bureau-Putnam Area Rural Transit surveys were mailed to every rider that made a reservation in 2023.
Veterans Day ceremonies will take place Monday, Nov. 11, across La Salle, Bureau and Putnam counties.
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) recognized high school seniors as 2024-25 Illinois State Scholars, including nine students from St. Bede Academy.
Check trick-or-treat times for communities in and near La Salle, Bureau and Putnam counties.
The Ladd Police Department urges motorists to commit to sober driving, buckling up and following traffic laws this Halloween, as children and their families walk through neighborhoods after dark for candy and fun.
A total of 166 students earned 200 degrees and certificates at Illinois Valley Community College in Summer 2024. Here is a listing of those graduates by their hometown.
Spring Valley police anticipate charges will be brought against a rural property owner whose controlled burn led to a Sunday fire that required more than 30 companies to extinguish; but only ordinance violations are pending.
The following marriage licenses were recorded Sept. 10-Oct. 2, 2024, at the Bureau County Courthouse.
The following property transfers were recorded Sept. 16-30, 2024, at the Bureau County Recorder of Deeds’ office.
Bureau and Putnam County Republican voters are invited Tuesday, Oct. 8, to a candidate meet and greet event at Softails Bar & Grill, 246 N. Main St., Ladd.
Here is the list of La Salle County couples who applied for marriage licenses from Sept. 17 through Sept. 30, 2024.
The following property transfers were recorded Sept. 1-15, 2024, at the Bureau County Recorder of Deeds office.
Hydrants in Ladd will be flushed on Tuesday, Oct. 1, weather permitting.
The Bureau County Health Department announced flu shot clinic dates.
The Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago awarded A&B Garage, LLC of Ladd a grant of $15,000.00 through its Community First Accelerate Grants for Small Business program.
A rural Princeton house fire Tuesday morning is believed to be accidental in nature.
The victim in Saturday’s hit-and-run has not been identified but the injuries were not believed to be life-threatening. The search continues for the sport-utility vehicle that fled the scene.
A number of neighboring departments assisted the DePue Fire Department in extinguishing a house fire Tuesday on East Fourth Street.
The following property transfers were recorded July 1-15, 2024, at the Bureau County Recorder of Deeds’ office.
Ladd will be hosting a community blood drive 1 to 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 6, at the Ladd Community Center, in the main room of 303 S. Central Ave.
The Ladd Public Library, 125 N. Main Ave., will host a pair of children’s activities Tuesday and its book club Wednesday.
The Gold Star 500 might start in Superman’s hometown of Metropolis, but Gold Star Mission’s more than 512-mile Gold Star 500 endurance bicycle ride is honoring real heroes from Sept. 24-28.
The Ladd American Legion Auxiliary Post 938 will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6, at the Legion Hall, 111 S. Main St.