Downers Grove Public Library news
The Downers Grove Public Library Foundation invites the community to celebrate National Library Week and support the library at a private, pre-release screening of the film “Banned Together."
One Book, One Town returns to Downers Grove March 5-13 and will feature special events sponsored by EQuality Downers Grove and the Downers Grove Public Library
EQuality Downers Grove, in partnership with the Downers Grove Public Library, invite residents to join in the third annual community-wide reading initiative, One Book, One Town, featuring a week of special events from March 5-13.
A workshop for the LGBTQ+ community will be held this this week at the Downers Grove Public Library to help guide individuals on actions they can take in everyday life to advocate for oppressed groups.
An annual Oktoberfest, an event featuring an esteemed scientist and a special day for four-legged family members are all on tap this weekend in Downers Grove.
Acclaimed scientist, innovator Dieter Gruen will speak Saturday at the Downers Grove Public Library fundraiser
People to serve as books in upcoming Downers Grove Public Library program
Ousted Downers Grove Library Trustee Bill Nienburg was a no-show at Wednesday’s library board meeting
Two social work interns at the Downers Grove Library are working to meet the varying needs of patrons
The Downers Grove Public Library’s student library card program will make library cards available to all students in Downers Grove Grade School District 58
The Downers Grove Public Library Foundation invites the community to join in celebrating National Library Week from April 7-13.
Trinity Irish Dancers entertained a crowd at the Downers Grove Library Saturday, March 16, 2024.
The Downers Grove Village Council has agreed to consider a resolution calling for the ouster of a library board member
A member of the Downers Grove Library Board may be removed from his position if the city also agrees with the library board's recommendation
The Downers Grove Public Library Foundation will oversee the Friends of the Library of Downers Grove
The Downers Grove Public Library Foundation (DGPLF) will host the first Celebrate the Freedom to Read: A Banned Books Masquerade fundraising event from 7-10 p.m. Oct. 3 during Banned Books Week .
Those looking to celebrate Pride Month will find no shortage of ways to do that in Downers Grove.
Northern Illinois University’s Gender Sexuality Alliance is preparing to stage a drag show for what organizers say is a good cause. The show will take place Saturday at the Holmes Student Center in DeKalb.
The Downers Grove Public Library ranks among the top public libraries in the nation, according to Library Journal.
A bullet was found in threatening letter sent to the Downers Grove Public Library.
On Sept. 21 and 22, the Downers Grove location of the restaurant will donate 20% of all sales back to the library.
The Downers Grove Public Library has canceled the upcoming drag queen bingo event due to threats made against the library.
Downers Grove police have increased patrols around the local library after threats against the facility and staff stemming from a planned drag-themed bingo event for teens in October.
An anonymous donation will cover the cost of an upcoming drag-themed bingo event at the Downers Grove Public Library.
The Downers Grove Public Library is defending its decision to hold an upcoming Drag Queen Bingo night for teens.
An upcoming game night at the Downers Grove Public Library geared toward tweens and teens and featuring a drag performance is drawing both praise and ire from members the community.
The Downers Grove Public Library Foundation focuses our on getting the word out about the library's services during National Library Week.
Andi Voinovich knows all too well that there’s much to be done about the Downers Grove area establishing and maintaining a safe and comforting space for LGBTQ+ youth.
In an effort to “make good” on the idea that libraries are a safe space for all, the Downers Grove Public Library is working to incorporate equity, diversity and inclusion in its next strategic plan and already has begun taking steps in the process.
The Downers Grove Public Library is reintroducing services that have been unavailable because of the COVID-19 pandemic.