DIXON – The Sauk Valley Chamber of Commerce honored Sauk Valley Community College President Dave Hellmich Thursday as the community’s 2020 Chamber Champion.
The Chamber Champion award is given to an individual or group, who through their business or volunteer efforts, goes above and beyond to improve the quality of life for Sauk Valley residents, who has positively affected the community and made the Sauk Valley a better place to live and work.
Sauk Chamber Executive Director Kris Noble and organization board members went to the college to surprise Hellmich and present him with the award.
Hellmich was humble and said the college’s success is a group effort, and he thanked the chamber for all they do for the community.
“We all love the Sauk Valley. We’re all committed to the Sauk Valley,” Hellmich said. “What you all do for the Sauk Valley is incredible.”
Noble said they have a better relationship with the college than they ever had, and much of that is due to Hellmich’s leadership.
“You have an incredible understanding of community, and it’s through your leadership that I think all your staff and the organizations that you’re in get what you’re trying to do,” Noble said.
According to Hellmich’s nomination:
“Since arriving in the Sauk Valley in 2015, Dr. David Hellmich has remained steadfast in his commitment to make the Sauk Valley area a better place to live, work, play, and of course - educate. From the moment he arrived in the Sauk Valley, he has inspired a renewal of community spirit and vibrancy.”
His accomplishments include helping to establish the Small Business Development Center at Sauk, creating new academic programs in manufacturing, agriculture, and solar, and forming the Sauk Valley Unites group, a non-partisan partnership of organizations and individuals across the Sauk Valley calling communities to come together, to seek common ground, and to advocate for everyone to be a good neighbor and community member.
Hellmich serves as the president of the board of directors for the Dixon Chamber of Commerce and Main Street, and leads the Sauk Valley Community Leadership board, which he was integral in starting in 2015. He’s also on the board for KSB Hospital, and is President Elect for the Sterling Noon rotary.
“He fully believes in service over self, and not only encourages the staff at SVCC to serve the community, he leads by example,” the nomination states.
The chamber normally presents the award at its annual dinner, which was canceled because of COVID-19. The organization plans to host the dinner as a social hour event in May.
“Even though we were not able to meet in person early in the year, the board of directors felt it was important to award 2020 SVACC Chamber Champion.” Sauk Chamber board President Lance Buser said.