CGH ‘Healthy & Bright’ holiday lighting ceremony Nov. 14

The grounds of the CGH clinic and hospital were lit with strings of lights in 2016. This year's "Healthy & Bright" holiday lighting ceremony begins at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the main clinic lobby, 101 E. Miller Road.

STERLINGCGH Medical Center and the CGH Medical Center Auxiliary announced that the 10th annual “Healthy & Bright” holiday lighting ceremony will be Tuesday, Nov. 14.

The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the CGH Main Clinic lobby, 101 E. Miller Road, Sterling. Thousands of holiday lights will illuminate CGH Medical Center, the CGH Main Clinic and the CGH Downtown Medical Center, according to a news release announcing the event.

The ceremonial lighting will take place about 5:45 p.m. Enjoy the holiday lights on the exterior of the hospital and clinic, as well as the lighted trees along Locust Street and East LeFevre Road, and 15 W. Third St. There will be featured entertainment by the Sterling High School Madrigals.

A hot cocoa bar and refreshments will be served in the CGH Main Clinic lobby. This year, attendees will receive a special 10th anniversary Christmas ornament.

“It is indeed a privilege for the CGH Auxiliary to sponsor the holiday lighting for so many years,” said Deb Keaschall, manager of volunteer services. “We hope these lights add a touch of beauty to one’s day – whether a patient in a hospital bed, a staff member arriving at work on a dark, cold morning or the community served by CGH.”

The CGH Auxiliary invites residents to recognize those who make our lives a brighter place. For any donation amount, the names of loved ones can be read during CGH’s annual holiday lighting ceremony.

Donations will help fund the lights that shine around CGH all holiday season. To donate, call 815-625-0400, ext. 5727, or stop by the auxiliary office inside the hospital.

“The auxiliary is grateful for the many donations that help support this project,” Keaschall said.

The lights will be in place from Nov. 14 through mid-January. The event is sponsored by the CGH Medical Center Auxiliary.

For information about the event, visit or search for CGH Medical Center on Facebook.

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