Sterling City Council passes Skip Lee resolution

STERLING – The City Council Monday passed a resolution to honor “the distinguished service” of outgoing Mayor Skip Lee, who decided not to run for a fourth term:

The resolution

RESOLUTION NO. 2023-05-14 is a Resolution honoring Charles “Skip” Lee for his distinguished service to the residents of the City.

WHEREAS, Charles “Skip” Lee has diligently and with compassion served the residents of the City of Sterling as Mayor from May, 2011 to May, 2023; and

WHEREAS, Charles “Skip” Lee has also served the residents of the City of Sterling as an Alderman and long-serving member of the Library Board, including President; and

WHEREAS, in addition to a long career in education Skip Lee also served the community outside of his official capacities as a youth mentor, a teacher and various leadership roles within Grace Episcopal Church; and

WHEREAS, In his capacity as Mayor, Skip Lee was a tireless champion for the community, always speaking with pride about the City on behalf of the City Council, Staff and residents of Sterling; and

WHEREAS, Skip Lee supported and led efforts to improve communications, enhance community amenities, address environmental and infrastructure deficiencies, and improve the financial stability of the City; and

WHEREAS, Skip Lee’s tenure as Mayor has also taken on the challenge of thankless and time-consuming groundwork to prepare for projects such as the environmental cleanup and repurposing of industrial sites on the riverfront for future recreational, commercial and residential development; and

WHEREAS, Skip Lee consistently set a positive example for all of those around him, exhibiting unwavering support for the City, especially the valued City Staff; and

WHEREAS, Skip Lee’s charisma, humor, and support will be missed by those who served beside him and under his leadership.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Sterling, Whiteside County, Illinois as follows:

SECTION 1: The preambles to this resolution are true and correct and are hereby incorporated in this Section 1 as if more fully set forth herein.

SECTION 2: Charles “Skip” Lee’s service to the residents of Sterling, in all his capacities, including as Mayor from 2011-2023 are formally recognized and honored. The Citizens, Aldermen and Staff are forever appreciative of his leadership and dedication to the best interests of the community.

SECTION 3: That a copy of this resolution be presented to outgoing Mayor Charles “Skip” Lee and that a copy become a permanent record of the City so that his dedication serves as an example for those entering public service.

SECTION 4: This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval and publication as required by law.

Passed by the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Sterling on the 1st day of May, 2023.

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