TAMPICO — Royal Neighbors of America Prophetstown Adult Chapter 516 and Thomas/Tampico Adult Chapter 1570 will assist the Tampico Sesquicentennial Committee with over $1,000 in funding for the celebration.
RNA Prophetstown Adult Chapter 516 will match up to $1,000 of the profits off the silent and live auction to be held at 2 p.m. Feb. 22, in the Reagan Community Center, 202 W. Second St., Tampico.
RNA Thomas/Tampico Adult Chapter 1570 will provide $200 seed money to raise funds for the bake sale during the opening celebration Feb. 22.
For more information on the auction fundraiser, call Chapter 516 Event Planner Terry L Gaskill at 815-438-2789. RNA members will be donating items for the auction and making items for the bake sale.
Call Jenee Blackert if you have questions about the celebration or bake sale by calling 815-499-0343.
The celebration will continue the week of July 17-20 with more information forthcoming about events to be held then.
Adult Chapter 516 meets the second Tuesday of the month at a location to be determine for a 2 p.m. meeting or at 1 p.m. for an activity.
Adult Chapter 1570 meets at the Tampico Break Room at 11:30 a.m. Feb. 19 and every other month at the same location and time.
For more information, call 815-438-2789 for either chapter and leave a message.