2025 Election Questionnaire: Allen Przysucha, Sterling City Council

Allen Przysucha


Allen Przysucha

What office are you seeking?

City of Sterling Alderman At Large

What is your political party?

This is a non-partisan race

What is your current age?


Occupation and employer:

Business Development Manager / First Onsite Property Restoration

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

City of Sterling City Planning Commissioner



Campaign Website:

Facebook - Allen Przysucha for Sterling Alderman At Large


Dixon High School Class of 1995

Sauk Valley Community College 1995-1998

Community Involvement:

United Way of Whiteside County Board of Directors Member, Sterling Township Youth Committee & Co-Founder of Elevate Youth Center, Area IV Governor, Rotary District 6420 (Sterling, Dixon, Rock Falls, & Morrison), Sterling Noon Rotary Club (Current)Twin Cities Rotary Club, 4x President (Past), CGHMC Health Foundation volunteer, Sauk Valley Area Chamber of Commerce member

Marital status/Immediate family:

Wife, Kim of 25 years. CGHMC Clinic RN. Son, Ethan, 24 years old. Shift Lead at Halo Branded Solutions in Sterling. Daughter, Caitlyn, 18 years old. Senior at Sterling High School


The Sterling City Council over the past several months has been discussing how to manage homelessness in the community. Among those discussions are the possible expansion of hours at the homeless shelter and developing a long-range plan. What do you think are the first steps and what do you believe is the ultimate goal of developing a plan – from both a financial and humanitarian standpoint – for homeless people in Sterling?

The first step is to find a logical & fiscally responsible way to address our homeless situation. The problem is that an idea hasn’t been put forward yet that meets both criteria. The PADS Shelter is a great resource, but it is understaffed and underfunded. It would be great if we could get the shelter to a point where it was self-sufficient in those areas. Then we could talk about expanding services, and how to pay for them.

Sterling council members last fall were told about the condition of Sterling’s firetrucks during a fire department report. What would be your plan to update that equipment in a fiscally responsible manner and how would you budget for public safety needs on the future?

I was at the city council meeting when this was reported and it outright scared me. I can’t speak to where in the budget money would come from to pay for these upgrades, as I am not a member of the city council yet. But, if the county can approve the public safety tax, the taxes already collected in property taxes in Sterling could then be redistributed to the fire department for much needed upgraded engines or equipment. Or towards both the police department and fire department for more officers or firemen. If it doesn’t pass, the council will have to find a fiscally responsible way to make it happen, preferably without raising taxes. These upgrades are much needed for the public safety of the citizens of Sterling

What do you believe are the top three issues that the city is facing right now?

  • Investment into upgrades for the Fire and Police Departments
  • Trying to figure out how to solve our increased need for all levels of housing, but specifically affordable housing.
  • Continued investment and repair of our infrastructure. For example, our roads and our riverfront.

Sterling voters will be asked to vote in April on whether to approve a public safety sales tax to help pay for 911 services in Whiteside County. Do you support this tax? If not, what are your reasons for not supporting it?

Even though I don’t necessarily want to pay more taxes, I do support the public safety tax. It is unfair that Sterling and Rock Falls are funding the 911 Center for the entire county. What is nice about the safety tax is that anyone that spends money in Whiteside County, resident or non-resident, pays for it.

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

I think one great example of this is the solar farms that are being proposed in the area. For the record, I am a supporter of solar energy and bringing solar farms to Sterling. What I’m not for is the lack of research done by the solar companies trying to place these solar farms around Sterling. A lot of the sites proposed are just outside of city limits, but in areas that are projected growth areas for the city. What I don’t like is that these sites will envelope the city’s prime growth areas and potentially stunt any city growth in those areas.

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

I‘m for the continued improvements to the city’s roads. I wish that the city could get all of them done at the same time. Realistically, that just isn’t possible. Costs for fixing the roads keep going up, just like everything else. Unfortunately the funds allotted for those repairs every year just don’t go as far as they used to. Roads repairs do continue to happen every year. Unfortunately, not at the pace that everyone wants them to.

What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?

Small Business is the backbone of any smaller municipality. That is so very true of Sterling. I am a big supporter of Small Business and Shop Small. Small Business owners have invested in our community and put a lot of trust into the community to support them. In no way, shape, or form would I ever advocate against, speak unfavorably, or attack any Small Business in Sterling. They are so important to the health of Sterling. I would advocate for any program that helps promote our Small Businesses and helps Sterling Entrepreneurs fulfill their dreams to start a Small Business here in Sterling, just like what Sterling Main Street does with the small business incubators at the Shoppes at Grandon Plaza.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

My biggest public safety concern is getting much needed resources to our police and fire departments. It scared me when I heard the fire department report in the fall about the state of our emergency vehicle fleet. If we have equipment that is constantly down for repairs, that is a huge detriment to the public safety. We have to have the proper equipment and vehicles to be able to respond to emergencies that arise in Sterling.

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

Realistically, the only way to ensure that is to study all amendments to ordinances, or anything else that comes up for a city council vote, to ensure that every Sterling citizen’s best interests are represented and upheld.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

I do support it and take it very seriously. At the Planning Commission, I recently abstained my vote because of what I felt was a conflict of interest because of my professional relationship that I had with a petitioning party. Even now with my career as a business development manager, it is my job to form partnerships with with my company and with schools, hospitals, municipalities, and other types of businesses. I have approached the City of Sterling about a relationship knowing that if I am elected, I would have to recuse myself from any involvement in any potential votes or decision making that would involve both parties.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

Sterling residents can reach me any time on my cell phone, 815-718-3863. By email, allenpc1@gmail.com. On Facebook or on Messenger at Allen Przysucha for Sterling Alderman At Large.

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Hannah Soukup

Hannah Soukup is an editorial assistant with the Shaw Local News Network