St. Mary’s fish fries begin in Sterling

The Knights of Columbus Holy Trinity Council No. 4400 on Joliet's East side offers a one-, two- or three-piece fish dinner of either Alaskan cod (the Knights’ specialty, according to the menu) or Alaskan walleye. Prices are $11.50, $15.50 and $17.50 for the cod dinners, and $8.50, $11.25 and $13.75 for the walleye. Dinners come with two slices of bread, battered fries and a vinegar coleslaw.

STERLING — Sterling Knights of Columbus Council No. 662 fish fries will be March 5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 and April 4, 11 and 18.

Serving will be from 5-7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Parish Center Bales Hall, 600 Ave. B, Sterling.

The menu includes dinners of baked white fish, deep-fried catfish and deep-fried perch at a cost of $15 per meal. Children’s portions are $11. Dinners include coleslaw, French fries or baked potato and coffee.

Bottled water and soft drinks are available for $1.

St. Mary’s Church Altar and Rosary and Youth Group will be selling desserts.

Carryouts are available for pickup at 5 p.m. by calling 815-441-5605.

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