Sterling City Council approves special event street closures

Sterling City Council

STERLING – The Sterling City Council met in regular session Monday night and approved requests for upcoming events.

A petition was presented, and the council approved closing parking lot 11 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 3 for the Taste of Sterling. The council also approved of closing Fourth Street on July 13 for the Chalk the Walk event at the Grandon Civic Center.

Sterling High School petitioned to close Miller Road for the Boosters’ Back to School fundraiser. Rock River Hospice and the Sterling Optimist Club asked for permission to hold Bucket Brigades on July 6 and July 20, respectively. Those requests also were approved.

Sterling Mayor Diana Merdian introduced 12-year-old Brynn Ordean, who served as mayor for the day. Merdian said the program is a nice way to help local schools and churches raise money by auctioning off the opportunity to spend a day at Sterling City Hall.

Brynn shadowed the mayor, toured the Sterling police and fire departments, and presided over the council meeting.

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