Pollinator seeds available through Lee County Farm Bureau

Lee County Farm Bureau

DIXON – The Lee County Farm Bureau – in partnership with the Bureau, Marshall-Putnam, Whiteside and Stark county farm bureaus; Ag View FS; and Growmark – are offering pollinator seeds at a reduced price through April 12, funded in part through an Illinois Farm Bureau pollinator grant.

Pollinators, which include bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds and more, are responsible for one in every three bites of food we take.

Contact the Lee County Farm Bureau to include pollinator seeds on a farm or in a garden. Orders can be placed online at on.ilfb.org/pollinatorseedLee or by calling 815-857-3531. Orders and payments are due by April 12, and seed will be available for pickup at the farm bureau office in May.

For information, contact the Lee County Farm Bureau at 815-857-3531 or leecfb@comcast.net.

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