The wind was brisk and temperatures a tad chilly, but the race to pick up plastic Easter eggs and candy was heated Saturday in Mt. Morris and Forreston.
The Mt. Morris Moose Lodge offered its breakfast with the Easter Bunny from 8-10 a.m., followed by four egg hunts outside on the lawn next to the center.
“We were a little worried about the weather. If it was going to be raining we would have had to move everything inside,” said Mindy Goldstick, event organizer. “But it didn’t.”
Age brackets for hunts were 0-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12.
Marshall White, 1, of Mt. Morris, was so concentrated on running that he scooted past all the eggs and candy. “It’s his first time,” said his dad who scooped him up for a second run.
Vivian Broach, 8, of Mt. Morris, sprinted across the plastic-egg-laden grass ahead of a stream of same-age competitors. “She gave me the idea,” said Vivian, referring to her mom and the strategy.
Aubrey Jenkins, 10, of Oregon, filled her basket so fast that her mom had to come running with a second basket.
“The Moose pays for all the candy,” said Goldstick after the final hunt Saturday morning.
Forreston’s hunts started at 1 p.m. with warmer temps and intermittent sunshine. The event, co-sponsored by the Forreston Lions Club and Forreston Area Business Association (FABA), included a hot dog/bratwurst luncheon, and a Touch-A-Truck display – all at or near Memorial Park.
“Many thanks to all that donated the baskets, candy for the Easter Egg Hunt, the many helpers, the vehicle’s for the Touch a Truck, and the Easter Bunny,” said Lion Ludwig.
All proceeds from the event will benefit the Forreston Town Ball program, Ludwig said.
Hunts were also offered for kids in different age brackets and a lucky raffle winner took home a special Easter basket in each category.
“It was a wonderful turn out!,” said Ludwig.