Ness to hold mobile office hours, DMV event in Carpentersville, Elgin

First mobile office hours event is Friday morning in Carpentersville

State Rep. Suzanne Ness, D-Crystal Lake, speaks to attendees during a rally for abortion rights on the historic Woodstock Square on Saturday, Oct. 2, 2021, in Woodstock.

State Rep. Suzanne Ness will host two mobile office hours and a mobile drivers services event in the coming weeks.

The mobile office hours will be held 10:30 a.m. to noon Friday at the Dundee Township Park District Adult Activities Center, 665 Barrington Ave. in Carpentersville and 10 a.m. to noon June 20 at the Gail Border Library Rakow Branch, 2751 West Bowes Road in Elgin.

Residents can stop by and discuss community issues, ask questions or access services available through Ness’s office, including unemployment services, senior services, firearm owners identification card applications, support for small businesses, mental health resources and veterans’ benefits.

Ness, who represents Crystal Lake and other parts of McHenry and Kane counties, will be calling bingo for 30 minutes at the Friday event as well.

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 22, Ness will partner with the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office to bring a mobile DMV to the Dundee Township Park District Adult Activities Center, 665 Barrington Ave. in Carpentersville.

Visitors can correct or renew a State ID or license, register to vote, become an organ donor or attend a Rules of the Road class from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the event.

Go to for fees and ID requirements prior to attending the event.

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