Developers are hoping to turn the south entrance into Woodlore Estates in Crystal Lake, which currently passes through an empty field and wooded area, into a 47-unit townhome development that would feature a large amount of open space amenities.
Lennar Homes presented the project, which currently does not have a name, at the latest Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Jan. 18.
After hearing feedback from commission members, Crystal Lake city planner Katie Rivard said Lennar “remained interested” and was reviewing the conceptual plan to incorporate feedback.
The preliminary proposal called for 47 units on either side of Carpathian Drive. The site would include a cul de sac, a pocket park and 80% green space, including ponds and oak trees.
The plan is to sell the units for between $330,000 and $350,000, Lennar land acquisition manager Jessica Cobb said at the meeting.
“The density is quite low compared to other recent developments,” Rivard said. “They want to preserve as much of that woodland area as possible, which is a great thing.”
Commission members said they thought the proposal was a good use of the space, but their concerns included whether the aesthetic would fit in with the nearby Woodlore neighborhood, as well as how close some of the units would be to the busy thoroughfare Route 176.
“I’d love to see the development,” commission Chairman Jeff Greenman said, “and I love the concept of this being an ‘entryway’ into Woodlore, but we want elevations that reflect that.”
Elevation renderings were designed based on previous Lennar units in that price range, company representatives said at the meeting, but Greenman countered that “viability isn’t a consideration” for the commission as much as how it fit in within the overall community.
The 15-acre site would need to be rezoned from commercial to residential if a version of the project goes through, Rivard said.