2024 Election Questionnaire: Deena Krieger for McHenry County Board, District 5

Deena Krieger, Republican candidate for McHenry County Board, District 5, 2024

McHenry County Board District 5 is in the eastern portion of McHenry County includes parts of McHenry, Prairie Grove, Cary, Lakemoor, Island Lake, Port Barrington, Holidays Hills and Oakwood Hills. Deena Krieger is vying for the open McHenry County Board seat.

Full Name: Deena Krieger

Office sought: McHenry County Board District 5

Political party? Republican

Age: 49

Occupation and employer: Wauconda School District 118

What elected offices, if any, have you previously held? n/a

Campaign website: deenaforcountyboard.com

Town where you live: Island Lake

Education: Bachelor’s of Elementary Education with a minor in Psychology

Master’s Degree in School Counseling and School Administration

Community involvement: Choose Your Path Coalition member, Choose Your Path Executive Board Secretary, Nunda Township Republican Central Committee Chair, former HOA president, Vice President and Secretary.

Marital Status/immediate family: Married with one daughter.

In under 100 words, please share anything else about your professional or personal background that you want voters to know.

My career is in education and a big part of my job involves relating to children and parents and their needs. This is a skill developed over time that has served me well in my job and will serve me well as a member of the McHenry County Board. Public Service and a lifelong desire to help people/children are the reason why I am now looking to represent the interests of the constituents of the 5th District.

Why are you running for office?

As stated above I want to give back to my community by serving as the representative of the people of County Board District 5. I am also running because I think I can do a good job helping to resolve issues and concerns put forth by my constituents. I am an advocate not an activist.

What would you identify as the top three issues currently facing the county board and how would you address them?

Supporting our Sheriff’s and State’s Attorney offices and maintaining  McHenry County as a one of the safest community is of the utmost importance.

Transportation and infrastructure are always issues and I hope to help contribute to creating a long term and short-term plan to address our infrastructure issues.

Holding the line on taxes, particularly property taxes, are a key issue for me and the people I talk to in the district. People are getting taxed from every direction and level of government and I would like to keep our county levy in line so that at least they won’t feel an increased burden from county government.

If you’re an incumbent, how are you planning to vote on the upcoming budget and tax levy? Aside from the cut in the levy related to the mental health board, do you support additional cuts, or would you support holding the line on any increase? Would you support taxing the maximum allowed under the tax cap and of new EAV growth? If you’re a challenger, how would you approach this issue?

I support holding the line on any increase.

Why shouldn’t voters choose your opponent?

I don’t know much about my opponent, and I would rather stick to my attributes as reasons why voters should vote for me especially and including my stance on the issues.

Should the Metra, CTA and Pace be consolidated into one regional public transportation agency? Why or why not?

They should not. Cook County and Chicago are some of the worst managers of tax dollars and our citizens should not get dragged into that orbit.

What are the county’s biggest infrastructure needs and what is your plan for funding them?

Many of the long-term needs are in rural areas where they don’t get as much attention but are critical to the movement of agricultural products. We also need to pay attention to the condition of bridges which are more difficult and costly projects.

How do you propose to regulate the use of solar farms in the county? Do you support the expansion of solar farms in unincorporated areas?

Counties across Illinois have been stripped of their authority over zoning issues for solar and wind farms. I am concerned about the amount of agricultural land that is being taken out of production for these other purposes.

The county board recently convened a working group on workforce housing whose report found a need for more workforce housing in the county. Do you support the expansion of sub-market workforce housing and should the county be involved in investing in such projects?

I believe the market should dictate housing and that government intervention in the free market is usually a disaster. The county Housing Authority addresses the needs of those who truly need housing and they should focus on that mission rather than weighing in on local real estate market conditions.

Should the county board limit its votes to “germane” topics as was proposed recently? And should the board be in the business of passing resolutions or flying flags to recognize certain groups or movements?

No, some members of the board have been using their position to push a host of social issue positions that have nothing to do with board business. Once we go down this path there will be no end to the issues that could come up.

Should the county allow marijuana dispensaries or cultivation centers to operate in unincorporated areas?

I would review all options and important zoning regulations before making any decisions.

Have you ever been convicted of a felony?


In your capacity as a private citizen, have you or any business entity in which you have a ownership stake receive a federal PPP loan? If so, what was the amount and is it repaid, forgiven or still outstanding?


Will you honor the results of the November election, including the presidential race?

Yes and this question lends itself to the unnecessary divisiveness.

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