
Unofficial results show Klatt as top vote-getter in Plano School District Board of Education race

Election 2024

Plano School District 88 voters were asked to cast ballots for four of six candidates for seats on the district’s board of education in balloting Tuesday, April 4.

Final, unofficial results released late Tuesday evening by the Kendall County Clerk’s Office showed incumbent Kyle Klatt with 351 votes, followed by Tim Waldrop, also an incumbent, with 319 votes. Third in balloting was Doug Lyle with 299 and Kimberly Velazquez, also an incumbent, was fourth with 277.

Incumbent Mike Jernigan received 265 votes and Charles Schneider 237.

The vote totals do not include all ballots, particularly provisional and late-arriving mail-in ballots. Vote totals for write-in candidates rarely get released on election night and, in some cases, county clerks do not publish them until results are certified two weeks after the election.