
Charles Hughes, 6th Congressional District Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024
Charles Hughes, 6th Congressional District candidate

Full Name: Charles Hughes

What office are you seeking? Representative in congress sixth congressional district

What offices, if any, have you previously held? None

City: Chicago

Occupation: Operation Tech

Education: Lincoln Tech Institute---Associate degree (auto/diesel)

Campaign website: none

What is your position re-establishing the Child Tax Credit at $3,500 per child as set in the American Rescue Plan?

YES-The child tax credit payments reduce poverty.

Do you believe that corporations pay enough in taxes?

NO---U.S Corporations dodge 90 billion year in income taxes ,by shifting profits to subsidiaries. 2.1 trillion in profits offshore.

Would you support increases or decreases in the amount of taxes corporations pay? Why?

Support increase: Corporations havent contributed a dime towards deficit reduction in recent budget deals.

American families shoulder the entire burden,if elected ill be first congressman from 6th dist to address this issue.

Do the rich, defined as the wealthiest 1%, pay enough in taxes?

NO REASON:When middle class american earns dollar of wages-dollar taxed immediately.When billionaire makes a dollar from stock increase in value its taxed at preferred rate or if its ever taxed at all.

Would support changes in the tax code that would increase or decrease their tax burden? Why?

IF Elected to congress i would support new tax code . Corporations in united states will pay a tax that fair .Charles Hughes is going to restore promise we made to American citzens.

Do you support raising taxes on capital gains and dividends? Why?

yes : long term capital gains and qualified dividends have favorable tax treatment,lower than ordinary tax rate.

The COVID-19 pandemic saw a breakdown in this country’s supply chain. What would you propose to fix it?


How would you bring back manufacturing jobs?

Start by building the American economy ,openness to immigrants,using world -leading research institutions and generous public research support.

What plans do you have to help the lower and middle class?

IF elected to congress: i will increase social security benefits 500.00 month for seniors .Second this would solve pharmaceutical prices and medicare issues.Have federal govt purchase from state of Illinois former Howe Developement Center to train our future in renewable energy ,to solve climate change.

Do you support the idea that government can require immunizations against COVID-19 or other communicable diseases?

NO ; number show we reached herd immunity.

How do you feel about mask mandates?

The mask mandate has been lifted by Governor JB Pritzker.-- -i go by science

Is America prepared for either another round of the current pandemic, or the next one?

NO: We need to fund research and hospitals to ensure safety for Americans

Do you support new laws or regulations to safeguard people in the event of another pandemic?

yes: Congress needs to improve on what happened during covid 19--learn from it --an act .

Should Medicare be expanded to include dental coverage for older Americans?

yes: seniors deserve best care.

What are the top two threats to our national security?

Our open border and putin.

What should be done to eliminate them?

Protect our border and help Ukraine .

What is your position on climate change and what should be done about it?

lets stop putin from any more drilling or fracking natural gas .(NON REGULATED IN RUSSIA)---Lets help ukraine get putins supply of metal so electric vehicle economy doesn’t sputter.We can use natural gas to run vehicles check site 5030 w pershing rd green n clean,if putin controls metals.

What is your position on nuclear energy expansion?

Southern Company has plant vogtle being built---(BUILDING CARBON-FREE NUCLEAR ENERGY) UNITS 3 AND UNITS 4 WILL HELP SOLVE CLIMATE CHANGE.”CEO Tom Fanning has worked hard to improve climate change for AMERICANS and I’m proud to work for Southern Co.

Should America invest in other forms of renewable energy? Please explain.

America need all above wind ,solar,natural gas ,electrical nuclear.Congress needs to fund 10% more in next years budget to help solve climate change.

Should pregnant women have the right to get an abortion?

Each situation differant and women UNDERSTAND what right thing to do.I will follow laws as Congressman and will do my best to treat women and there issues with respect.

Is the immigration system a problem in this country? If so, what is your plan to fix it?

I would introduce bill in congress anyone brought to America as child and no record will become a citizen. Next with secure border --if anyone has paperwork of no criminal record from there homeland will apply for citizenship at border on line.Federal background will take 30 days if cleared a green card will be issued and can enter America .IF YOU HAVE RECORD CANT ENTER.

Do American cities have a crime problem?

YES:To many black youth die by guns .We also have car jacking issue.

If so, what is your suggestion to solve it?

We as society ,need to change policing policy how we interact with African Americans, and change our culture .Everyone deserves there day in court ,that why we have laws and judges .We need ban no-knock warrant ,because issues we see: wrong house,someone shot by mistake etc.

Should police officers have qualified immunity in cases involving alleged excessive force or other misconduct?

NO: no one needs use excessive force: Body Cameras protect police and civilian .

Are there any limits to the Second Amendment?

I soupport Second Amendment

Do you support any restrictions on gun purchases or other stricter gun control measures including citizens’ access to military style weaponry?

no one needs military weapons

Illinois, along with many states across the country, have legalized marijuana making it legal for people to buy and use it. Marijuana, however, is still illegal at the federal level. Do you support legalizing marijuana nationally? Why or why not?

Right now certain jobs --shouldnt have people on marijuana .---Federal govt shouldnt pass bill

Did Joe Biden win the 2020 election?


Would you have voted to ratify his presidency?


What is your position on the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol?

I have no facts --cant answer question classified info-- charles hughes

Was it an insurrection?


Should people convicted of a crime related to their participation in the riot ever be pardoned?


Should voters be required to show an ID to vote?


Would you, as a member of Congress, ever vote against certifying presidential electoral votes submitted by states’ official voting authorities?