Nine candidates will compete across four contested ward races on the Peru City Council during the April 4 election. Each of the four wards has a contested race.
Shaw Local News Network sent all candidates an election questionnaire. Here are their responses, listed by ward in alphabetical order.
First Ward
Jeff Ballard
Incumbent, elected the past 6 years
How will you promote economic development within the city?
Peru has an economic development team. Peru uses their website and social media to promote our local businesses. I will continue to work with the team to promote Peru.
What do you think are the three most significant decisions the City Council has made in the past 6-8 months? Newcomers, did you agree with each decision or not and why? Incumbents, which way did you vote on the three issues and why?
The land purchase and TIF district created for the new GAF manufacturing site. Continued funding of Peru TBM Avenger show. Upgrades to Veterans Park field for Pistol Shrimp and IVCC baseball games.
What are some future projects you feel Peru needs to tackle?
A sky-walk path over Route 251 for safer walking or riding access to Veterans’ Park from all points east of Route 251.
What do you see as the most important city issue you’d like to address, if elected?
Continue funding for police and fireman pensions.
Is there anything else you’d like to see the city do in response to the closure of St. Margaret’s Hospital in Peru?
Continue working with Rep. Yednock, Sen. Rezin and the Governor’s office to aid St. Margaret’s in reopening Peru hospital.
What is one thing you want voters to know about you?
Heidi Heuser
No previous elected positions
How will you promote economic development within the city?
We need to invest in our city and show unity within the city government. The council needs to show that we can work together with surrounding areas and new businesses. We need to think creatively and outside the box. We need to be accommodating to even the smaller businesses because everyone needs to start somewhere. Allow pop up shops and food trucks charge fees but make it affordable.
What do you think are the three most significant decisions the City Council has made in the past 6-8 months? Newcomers, did you agree with each decision or not and why? Incumbents, which way did you vote on the three issues and why?
Hiring of staff attorney, not that he isn’t qualified or the right candidate, but when hiring for a position within the city there is a protocol that needs to be followed and the fact that the aldermen voted against the mayor shows they are not willing to work for the city and who was voted as Mayor.
The way the annexation of the Mertel property was handled looked like things were being talked about without any transparency. Even though it was never brought to the table, the fact that it came out the way it did was very shady.
I don’t agree with all of the money being spent on the Pistol Shrimp baseball team and the TBM reunion. Yes these are great additions of things to do in the city and we get a lot of visitors, but they don’t stay for very long they don’t go to our downtown, they don’t eat at our restaurants, they don’t stay in the hotels. There is no money given back to the city for rainy days. Then we are charging our own children $50-$100 to just play baseball in the city they live in. There has to be a way that this can be beneficial for everyone.
What are some future projects you feel Peru needs to tackle?
I am all for a swimming pool in the city. I have been since I worked for the city and did fundraising events to raise money for it. I would like to see the city have a comprehensive plan done because if the city is going to continue to grow we need to have a plan that can help with infrastructure and making sure it is replaced in a timely fashion.
What do you see as the most important city issue you’d like to address, if elected?
There needs to be transparency and communication within the government. Things can’t always be done behind closed doors. We need to work together and with our neighboring cities we can all benefit from each other. We need to be more fiscally responsible.
There needs to be something accomplished with the increased walking traffic on Route 6 by Westclox. We need to work with the state to get something to reduce the speed of the cars and the ability to see the cross traffic when coming from any side streets.
When big projects come up, we need to be more transparent, especially with the surrounding businesses and home owners. We need to be a government that will work with our constituents and help resolve any issues they have prior to the project’s start date. Example is the new subdivision and senior living center on Wenzel Road. This will bring increased traffic on Marquette Road as well as Airport Road. There are a lot of families with children that will likely be outside when it is warmer.
Is there anything else you’d like to see the city do in response to the closure of St. Margaret’s Hospital in Peru?
Bottom line is we need a hospital. We can’t do anything about it except push our local state officials for assistance on getting this resolved with SMH. If the city still has the lobbyist in Springfield, then we need to utilize him to assist with this issue.
What is one thing you want voters to know about you?
I am compassionate about the city of Peru. I want to see the city be what it once was, a great place to live and visit. There were always so many things to do. I want to work together with the mayor and other council members to bring great things to the area. I want to be a supportive neighbor to the other municipalities and work with them. I want to work with the constituents on the issues that they have and I want to get problems resolved, not just put on the back burner. I will be proactive instead of reactive. I want to bring back a no nonsense, common sense way of thinking to the city.
Crystal Piwonski Loughran
Elected precinct committee woman. Previously elected IVCC support staff representative.
How will you promote economic development within the city?
The economic growth in the city is being based on my constituent’s wants and needs. From the beginning, my campaign has always been about the people. I’ve had the opportunity to canvass many in my ward and the overwhelming concern is the closing of our local hospital and how that will impact the economic growth of the city.
What do you think are the three most significant decisions the City Council has made in the past 6-8 months? Newcomers, did you agree with each decision or not and why? Incumbents, which way did you vote on the three issues and why?
The three most significant decisions the City Council have made are trivial compared to the magnitude of the hospital closing. Many in the community are calling for a forensic corporate audit with an auditing company not associated with SMH or IVCH.
What are some future projects you feel Peru needs to tackle?
The projects most needed for the people are listed as follows. Traffic on Pulaski Street needs to be addressed with speed as a major issue with residents. Our ward has crumbling sidewalks, sliding retaining walls, light poles that have not been removed, building permits create obstacles for those who wish to improve their properties with handicap ramps, sewer drains are clogged, roadways are creating flooding in basements and the eyesore on the south side of Westclox has yet to be corrected. Our neighboring city of La Salle was devastated by a chemical explosion causing many to worry about the chemical plant on Water Street. Is the City Council prepared for a HAZMAT response to the health and safety of the city if we experience the same?
What do you see as the most important city issue you’d like to address, if elected?
When I’m elected, I will focus my attention on the re-opening of IVCH and pursuing the forensic financial audit of IVCH and SMH.
Is there anything else you’d like to see the city do in response to the closure of St. Margaret’s Hospital in Peru?
What is the city of Peru doing to promote the hospital reopening? How will the hospital closure impact the local real estate values? Will home values plummet? IVCC has partnered with the local hospitals in providing educational opportunities. How will this impact our community college outreach? The success of our community was built in part on strong schools and our community healthcare system. Without a hospital, our community members continue to be displaced without an emergency room, obstetrics and the need for trauma surgeries. People are worried about the cancer center, physical therapy at the YMCA, the hygienic and all out-reaching medical clinics that may close due to the healthcare crisis. How will Liberty Village be impacted? Some found it unacceptable that no one on City Council saw the closing of the hospital coming. Is the City Council that far removed from the economic jewel of the city? Where are Gov. JB Pritzker, U.S House Rep. Lauren Underwood, (State Rep.) Lance Yednock from the 76th District and (State Sen.) Sue Rezin from the 38th District? These elected politicians should be banging on the kitchen table. There’s a need for more communication from the elected officials.
What is one thing you want voters to know about you?
Yes, I’m running for two separate offices in the Illinois River Valley Community. I have made the commitment to doing both jobs. I understand the importance of being prepared, dedicated and will attend the necessary meetings required in representing my constituents.
In the past year I have knocked on countless doors in the local neighborhoods. I have met many in the community taking the time to listen to their questions and concerns. I value every conversation as an opportunity to serve the people in ward one. My commitment to my community speaks for itself. I have attended countless school board meeting advocating for parental rights; I have a personal interest in preserving the quality of my hometown.
I’m motivated in serving the people. I have no ties to any special interests. I am not motivated by money or greed. I will perform my duties with integrity and with a broader vision of what is in the interests of the overall community now and in the future. My family has lived on Pulaski Street beginning in 1904. I presently reside at 830 Eighth St. and I’m currently selling the family homestead located on Pulaski Street. My father was an alderman in ward one for almost a decade and he was also a Precinct Committeeman. My father and grandfather were both sheet metal union works and retired from Phalen Steel.
I’m a balanced candidate who will represent all of the people in my ward, not a champion of special interests group or a narrow perspective. My honesty is my key characteristic. I bring honesty in both my actions and intellectual honesty to my approach to issues. I graduated in 1990 from Colorado State University –bachelors of science mass communications.
Second Ward
Andy Arnold
No previously elected positions
How will you promote economic development within the city?
As a retail business owner in Peru, I realize the importance of having our city be a destination that organizations would want to invest in. I would encourage our economic developer to recruit more businesses to our area to draw in more out of town people to come to Peru to shop and dine.
What do you think are the three most significant decisions the City Council has made in the past 6-8 months? Newcomers, did you agree with each decision or not and why? Incumbents, which way did you vote on the three issues and why?
The approval of the ice skating rink’s locker room building. Let me start off by saying that I am in favor of any improvements to Peru’s parks. The second ward has the two largest parks in the city which my family and I go to frequently. While the new locker room is a beautiful amazing building, that project should have been postponed until the ice skating rink had chillers installed. There has been very few days of ice to skate on because it has not been staying cold enough. I have tried to take my family ice skating this season but there has been days with no ice. Until chillers are installed at the ice rink, the new building might go unused.
The approval of the newly appointed first female chief of police in Peru’s history. This was a wonderful moment for the city of Peru and it will be great to watch Chief Sarah Raymond lead the police department.
The City Council’s approval to replace the old tennis courts at Washington Park. This project has been needed for many years. The old tennis courts were in terrible condition. The new area has been completely rebuilt and even made larger to accommodate the addition of more pickle ball courts in addition to the tennis courts. I walk my dogs by the pickle ball courts all the time and it’s great to see how much use those courts are getting. Pickle ball is the fastest-growing sport in America for the past three years and it definitely shows at Washington Park.
What are some future projects you feel Peru needs to tackle?
Some future projects that Peru should take on is improving pedestrian walkways. It would be nice to see the city work with the state of Illinois to create a safe walkway for people to walk or ride their bikes on Route 251 over I-80.
What do you see as the most important city issue you’d like to address, if elected?
The most important city issue is to find a health care provider that would be willing to start up and offer Peru residents emergency care. This is very important not just for our city but also our county as well and it will take efforts from the state, county and city to make it happen.
Is there anything else you’d like to see the city do in response to the closure of St. Margaret’s Hospital in Peru?
IVCH hospital played an important role in my family’s life because my mother was a nurse there for 32 years. I was born at that hospital and both of my children were too and to see it go under was tragic for the city. I would like to see the city encourage St. Margaret’s to sell the empty hospital to a different health care provider that is willing to reopen it.
What is one thing you want voters to know about you?
I was born and raised here in Peru, which is why I kept my business here when I moved and expanded it to the downtown. I love seeing the grow of Peru and the success that comes along with it.
Tom Payton
Incumbent, elected in 2015.
How will you promote economic development within the city?
Economic development is an ongoing process in the city. We have a very good team in place that is constantly working on programs to promote current businesses through the social media platforms. The city uses our web page and Facebook to promote local businesses. There is also an economic development page to promote Peru.
The city has had l programs to help the businesses within the city, such as the facade program improve their store fronts.
My role as an alderman is to consider the type of business, the number of jobs and if there in is incentive package the company may be looking for to relocate here. We must be proactive in the marketing of the city to meet our needs. When these projects do come to the city, we look long term to see how the new company fits in with the needs of the city and the surrounding communities.
What do you think are the three most significant decisions the City Council has made in the past 6-8 months? Newcomers, did you agree with each decision or not and why? Incumbents, which way did you vote on the three issues and why?
The land purchase that allowed GAF to come to the city. The city voted to set up a TIF district to annexed property that would provide the needed space for this factory. I voted for this because of the number of jobs it created during the building of the factory and the permanent jobs created. Securing this business will provide funding for two schools districts as well as an income for the city after our cost are repaid.
My votes on funding the TBM Airshow and Pistol Shrimp were also important decisions. These provide large contributions for our parks and recreation department which provides free entertainment to the citizens of Peru and other communities.
As an alderman, I voted to retain and bring on employees that will help guide the city for years to come.
What are some future projects you feel Peru needs to tackle?
This is my wish list, first I would like to see Water Street be redesigned to allow more business to operate along the river. That would entail working with FEMA and other agencies to fix the flood plane.
I envision a beautiful Marina along Water Street one day. The Peru Mall needs to be addressed. I would consider suggestions. I would like to see a safe sky-way walk path over Route 251. Currently we have Seventh Street bridge which is a busy street, and Shooting Park road which is a state highway. Another future project would be completion of Baker Lake upgrades. These would be widening the walking path along the lake. Expand disc golf and more parking.
What do you see as the most important city issue you’d like to address, if elected?
I would like the city to position itself as the regional hub for industry and a safe place to raise a family. Peru has the crossroads of major highways, railway, waterways and an airport to attract industry. Peru schools, parks, police and fire services offer that quality of life for families to put down roots and develop memories.
The city is working towards this with a controlled growth model. It is starting to work as businesses and families are showing an increased interest in our area. New subdivisions, investment in the parks and new job opportunities are evidence of this. Peru is a great community with lots of exciting things in its future.
Is there anything else you’d like to see the city do in response to the closure of St. Margaret’s Hospital in Peru?
All I can say about this is the mayor along with Rep. Yednock, Sen. Rezin and Congresswoman Underwood are working with SMH to keep St. Margaret’s Peru hospital open.
What is one thing you want voters to know about you?
I have been an alderman for eight years and have enjoyed serving the city. I chose Peru to be my home. I look forward to continuing to be of service to the community. When you become an elected official, you must remember that you serve everyone not just the ones that voted for you. I believe I have done that.
Third Ward
Rick O’Sadnick
No previous elected positions
How will you promote economic development within the city?
The best opportunity for an alderman to promote the city’s economic development is to proactively participate in the ward. For example, our third ward lost a massively significant economic development selling point with the recent closure of St. Margaret’s - Peru. I would make it a priority to be aware of business conditions and seek to be preventative rather than reactive. I would do this by staying informed of the business activity in my ward and promoting investment while also making sure the city is maintaining financial stability.
What do you think are the three most significant decisions the City Council has made in the past 6-8 months? Newcomers, did you agree with each decision or not and why? Incumbents, which way did you vote on the three issues and why?
I will focus on the three most significant positive decisions the City Council made in the recent past. The most significant is the announcement of GAF locating its manufacturing facility in the city of Peru, which will add great-paying jobs to the city. The second is the city’s reinvestment in its parks like the newly-redone tennis and pickle ball courts. I also appreciated the allowance of dogs at Baker Lake, as I think it encourages more community activity for more people in the city.
What are some future projects you feel Peru needs to tackle?
I would like to help the city develop a plan to incentivize reinvestment in updating deteriorating housing stock. The third ward is the oldest part of the city and suffered through time with the consistent choices by the government to move everything north. Additionally, the Third Ward must help solve the issue of the empty hospital building. It is crucial for the city and the Third Ward to not have that building sitting vacant.
What do you see as the most important city issue you’d like to address, if elected?
The loss of our maternity ward and emergency room. This is critical for attracting young people and businesses to help the city thrive. At minimum, we need those specific functions within a greater healthcare system to sustain and hopefully grow the city of Peru.
Is there anything else you’d like to see the city do in response to the closure of St. Margaret’s Hospital in Peru?
The city must be an active participant in finding a solution for what is now an empty building in the third ward. It is important to find some of the healthcare functions that were lost in the closing of St. Margaret’s - Peru. Most notably, the restoration of the maternity ward and emergency room services.
What is one thing you want voters to know about you?
I am a life-long resident of LP. I have lived in my third ward home since 1991. Three of my four children were born at IVCH. I am committed to being present and a participant in the third ward and at city events. Aldermen exist to serve the people of their ward. I am the choice to offer that service and be an active participant in helping the third ward of Peru.
Dave Waldorf
Incumbent, elected for the past 16 years
How will you promote economic development within the city?
I’ll continue to support our economic development team who has done an excellent job and had some significant wins in development. As I have with recent development agreements, I’ll continue to support logical city incentives to attract developers.
What do you think are the three most significant decisions the City Council has made in the past 6-8 months? Newcomers, did you agree with each decision or not and why? Incumbents, which way did you vote on the three issues and why?
The approval of the GAF development agreement and the necessary infrastructure improvements. The approval to move to the design and construction of the Center Street Electric Substation project. The approval of more significant park improvements specifically the Veteran’s Park Stadium and Ice Arena Building. I voted yes for each of these issues.
What are some future projects you feel Peru needs to tackle?
I would like to see the city continue a strategic maintenance plan for our roads and utilities and continue to invest in projects to attract future growth.
What do you see as the most important city issue you’d like to address, if elected?
I think the most important issue is the current status of health care not only in Peru but in the greater region.
Is there anything else you’d like to see the city do in response to the closure of St. Margaret’s Hospital in Peru?
I’d like the city to continue to be a willing partner to restore or attract health care service back to our community.
What is one thing you want voters to know about you?
I would like the voters to know I’m an experienced alderman who has been a part of many positive improvements and I have also helped navigate the city through troubling times.
Fourth Ward
Andy Moreno
No previously elected positions.
How will you promote economic development within the city?
I support bringing GAF Manufacturing to Peru as this will bring future employment opportunities to our community. It will support economic growth and continue to develop industrial manufacturing along with the rail line that is already in place.
What do you think are the three most significant decisions the City Council has made in the past 6-8 months? Newcomers, did you agree with each decision or not and why? Incumbents, which way did you vote on the three issues and why?
First, promoting Sarah Raymond as the first female police chief for the city of Peru was a great decision. Second, the utilization of the funds that were donated to improve our parks and recreation areas which will continue to build a stronger community. I support the decision to bring back the Pistol Shrimp for the 2023 season for all families of the Illinois Valley to enjoy.
What are some future projects you feel Peru needs to tackle?
One project is to continue to expand on the city’s quality of life projects, connecting a bike path from La Salle Rotary Park to Veteran’s Park in Peru. I would like to see if there is any possible retail development at the Peru Mall. I’d also like to see continued improvement of our infrastructure, our roads and walkways. It is important to note, our electric substation will be able to handle any future economic growth.
What do you see as the most important city issue you’d like to address, if elected?
If elected, I will push state and federal officials to address how critical it is to the residents of Peru and the surrounding community that we have a healthcare facility.
Is there anything else you’d like to see the city do in response to the closure of St. Margaret’s Hospital in Peru?
I’d like to address the rural healthcare problem with state and federal officials.
What is one thing you want voters to know about you?
It is important to have an open mind and an open ear to the people of Peru.
Alexandra West
No previous elected positions
How will you promote economic development within the city?
I will use a community and economic development approach, seeking to create and sustain opportunities for all, as community development is inseparable from economic development. One of the great challenges we are facing as a community is the collapse of our healthcare system. Without a functioning healthcare system, we cannot attract new economic opportunities for families.
What do you think are the three most significant decisions the City Council has made in the past 6-8 months? Newcomers, did you agree with each decision or not and why? Incumbents, which way did you vote on the three issues and why?
One of the best things that has happened is our dogs being able to join their owners as they walk around Baker Lake. Tennis courts and pickle ball courts are ready for use. GAF deal is something great and will hopefully bring more jobs to the area.
What are some future projects you feel Peru needs to tackle?
I would like to see more support for small businesses downtown and even uptown. I would also like the development of more housing options for single persons and families. As we do an awesome job with our aging populations, I would like to extend that to those who will live and work within our community too. I would like to see a development of community spaces for people to meet and have community access to activities. Creating more places like this will garner more community building and support for mental health. Specifically to my ward, I would like to see some redevelopment to Sunset Park and look into more grants to support or parks.
What do you see as the most important city issue you’d like to address, if elected?
Currently, the most important city issue is our lack of an adequate healthcare network to support our community. We need to be working on a plan to attract larger healthcare networks to put down roots in our community because without a healthcare infrastructure we cannot ask people in good faith to live and work in this community, nor can we expect people to start a family here without access.
Is there anything else you’d like to see the city do in response to the closure of St. Margaret’s Hospital in Peru?
What is one thing you want voters to know about you?
I would like voters to know that I am here for the betterment of our entire community. I will show up for everyone in my ward.