Bruce Barker: I want to see more opportunities for resident input on major decisions and foster an increased line of communication between residents and local government.
Robert Plowman: Overall, I am satisfied with the current state of the village and the direction it is heading. I am equally pleased that the mayor and the village board appear to be working collaboratively towards common goals
Gina Parrilli: I don’t have prior political experience, I believe that’s a strength. I’m running to represent residents.
Paul Drabik: One of my main concerns is the governance and bureaucracy of the Downers Grove Library
Rob Roe: The Village must maintain a balanced budget and their incredible bond rating to ensure real estate taxes do not increase
Tammy Sarver: We need to have serious discussions about the repercussions of unchecked and irresponsible building and development upon the natural environment
Thomas Cawthorne: Parking and traffic will always be a hot button topic. I believe that the recommendations made in the Guiding DG long range comprehensive study will assist in helping alleviate some of those concerns.
Matthew Novak: As a retired police officer, I have developed critical skills of compassion, empathy, and utmost integrity. I operate my daily life to treat others as I want to be treated, and focus on the needs of the community as a whole.
Christ Gilmartin, running for Downers Grove Village Commissioner: From utilizing AI to make our streets safer to modernizing administrative processes, technology can help us serve residents faster, reduce costs, and stay competitive