Glenbard Parent Series offering webinars on self-harm, suicide

Glenbard Parent Series: Navigating Healthy Families in Glen Ellyn

The Glenbard Parent Series (GPS): Navigating Healthy Families will present Let’s Talk About It: Suicide and Other Self-Destructive Behaviors with Matthew Nock during two Zoom webinars at noon and 7 p.m. Sept. 6. Visit for further information and the links to the webinars.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death in young people ages 15 to 24. What drives children to harm themselves, and what are the risk factors and warning signs of such behavior? How can we best talk to youth about mental health and begin a dialogue about suicide? What kinds of developmental changes and stress may influence a teen to consider self-harm?

Nock is an award-winning clinical psychologist who integrates methods from multiple disciplines to pursue the goal of better detection, alleviation of suffering and prevention of the devastating losses associated with suicide. He is the Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology at Harvard University and chairman of their department of psychology.

Join GPS and learn about self-injury, self-harm and suicidal behavior and discover the roles played by anxiety, agitation, negative thinking, poor impulse control or use of alcohol and other substances.

To be placed on a reminder list for GPS events or submit a question in advance, contact Gilda Ross, Glenbard District 87 student and community projects coordinator, at or 630-942-7668.

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