District 58′s Justin Sisul earns Outstanding Administrator Award

Justin Sisul

DOWNERS GROVE – The Illinois Music Education Association selected District 58 Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Justin Sisul as the recipient of its 2021 Outstanding Administrator Award, according to a Downers Grove Grade School District 58 news release.

The award is given annually to an Illinois school administrator who supports his or her music program in a manner only possible as an administrator, the release stated. The award is presented to a superintendent, principal or other top administrator and recognizes excellence in encouragement and promotion of music education within Illinois. Sisul formally received the award during ILMEA’s Illinois Music Education Conference Jan. 27 in Peoria.

“On behalf of ILMEA, I would like to congratulate you on being selected to receive the Outstanding Administrator Award,” ILMEA State President-Elect Curtis Fischer-Oelschlaeger said in the release. “Your dedication to ILMEA and music in your schools is inspiring.”

Sisul has worked in District 58 for more than 20 years. Prior to his current role as assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, he served as the principal of Pierce Downer School, assistant principal/administrative intern at Lester School and music teacher and choir director at Herrick Middle School.

“I have known Justin since my first days in District 58 as a new teacher,” Christine Kaminski, instrumental music-band teacher at O’Neill, El Sierra, Fairmount, Hillcrest and Indian Trail schools, said in the release. “Over the years, I have benefited from the inspiring example he set as a fellow music educator, his mentorship as a building administrator and evaluator who helped me reflect on and improve my own teaching practice, and his leadership as a district-level administrator whose energy and tireless passion for education continue to elevate what we offer our students in Downers Grove. This recognition is well-deserved, and it’s wonderful to see him honored in this way.”

Outside District 58, Sisul has served as ILMEA’s District 1 president and as ILMEA’s Music Educator Development president.

“Justin is a strong advocate for the music program in District 58 and the Downers Grove community,” Superintendent Kevin Russell said in the release. “He consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that our students receive the best music education possible. He also works closely with staff to make sure they are supported and have what they need to support students.”

His dedication to students and staff is one of the primary reasons we have such an outstanding music program, Russell said.

“Our music program is a strong asset in Downers Grove District 58, and Justin’s leadership provides a strong foundation that supports our staff, students and families,” Julie Spring, orchestra director at O’Neill, Fairmount, Hillcrest and Indian Trail schools, said in the release.