District 58 names Harris new superintendent for business

New administrator previously served as school board member

Greg Harris

Gregory Harris will join Downers Grove Grade School District 58′s administrative team as the assistant superintendent for business and chief school business official [CSBO] beginning July 1.

The board of education approved Harris’s appointment during its March 10 meeting.

“We are excited to welcome Dr. Gregory Harris to District 58 as our new assistant superintendent for business/chief school business official,” Superintendent Kevin Russell said a district news release. “Greg set himself apart from other candidates with his exceptional experience and deep knowledge of our district. He has a proven record of success as a CSBO in DuPage County at Roselle District 12 and brings a wealth of expertise from his time overseeing federal and state grants in Valley View School District 365.

“His outstanding references and strong reputation in the field of school business administration speak to his professionalism and dedication. We are confident that Greg will be a tremendous asset to our team and the entire District 58 community.”

Russell added that the District 58 assistant superintendent for business interview process comprised rounds of team interviews with administrators and staff. Throughout this process, Harris stood out as the most qualified candidate. In addition, the interview teams described Harris as someone who leads with integrity in mind, who articulates and shares District 58′s values, understands the importance of earning and maintaining the community’s trust and believes in a student-centered approach to decision-making.

As the District 58 assistant superintendent for business, Harris will lead and direct all school operations related to budgeting and financial planning. buildings and grounds, construction planning, purchasing and supply management, pupil transportation, cafeteria operations and accounting and reporting and related areas.

Harris brings more than 20 years of educational experience to his new role. He currently serves as the assistant superintendent for finance and operations at Roselle School District 12, a position he has held for five years. In this role, he manages the school district’s budget, finances and business operations. Previously, he served as the director of grants and accountability for Valley View Community Unit School District 365U.

He also spent 10 years as an English and social studies teacher at Romeoville High School. Concurrently, he served two years as the Valley View CUSD 365U teacher’s union president. He began his career as a history and English teacher at the High School of St. Thomas More in Champaign.

Harris earned his doctorate in educational leadership from Roosevelt University, his master’s degree in school administration from Concordia University - Chicago, and his bachelor’s degrees in history and secondary education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He also received his chief school business official endorsement in school business management from Northern Illinois University.

Alongside his work, Harris volunteered his time as a District 58 Board of Education member from April 2017 through January 2025. He resigned earlier this year to avoid any conflict of interest while pursuing this position.

Harris lives in Downers Grove with his wife and three children.

“As a District 58 parent, community member and former board of education member, I’ve seen first-hand how District 58 operates, and I believe it is an incredible and very special organization. I am very grateful and humbled to have this opportunity to serve this role,” Harris said in the release. “As the assistant superintendent for business and chief school business official, I will always keep our students’ interests at the center of every important decision being made. I also intend to be a prudent and ethical steward of the community’s investment in its schools.”

Harris will replace current assistant superintendent for business/CSBO Todd Drafall, who will retire this June after seven years of service to District 58.

“On behalf of our District 58 team, I want to thank Mr. Drafall for his service to our community and the District,” Russell said. “Mr. Drafall has dedicated seven years to the district, and I wish him the very best in retirement.”.

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