Matthew J. Novak
What office are you seeking?
Village Commissioner
What is your political party?
Republican, however this is a non-partisan position
What is your current age?
Occupation and employer:
Security Consultant
What offices, if any, have you previously held?
Chairman, Downers Grove Transportation and Parking Commission
Campaign Website:
MBA, Benedictine University
Community Involvement:
Youth Sports Coach
Marital status/Immediate family:
Married, two children
How will your personal/professional/political experiences benefit you as a member of the board?
As a retired police officer, I have developed critical skills of compassion, empathy, and utmost integrity. I operate my daily life to treat others as I want to be treated, and focus on the needs of the community as a whole. During my service as Chair of the Downers Grove Traffic and Parking Commission, I have experienced the value of contributing to the safety of our community for all who live or visit our village. I’ve seen the incredible work that our staff does on a daily basis to keep the village running efficiently.
Is there a particular issue or controversy that influenced your decision to run?
No, I believe that the village is currently operating in a very positive fashion and I intend to help continue that progress if elected.
What is a community need that has not been addressed and how do you believe the council should resolve it?
I believe that the council has done a great job at listening to the residents concerns. No one can be perfect however, and it would be a priority of mine to help keep the lines of communication open so that the residents know that their elected officials are listening and being proactive.
What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?
Continue our focus on providing excellent police and fire services to the community, including maintaining our contractual obligations with the collective bargaining units, continuous training requirements, and access to the best training and technology.
In regards to transparency, work with the current council and village staff to increase residents involvement in critical decision making, ensuring that their feedback is heard and considered.
How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?
Ensuring that community development works in tandem with the environmental concerns groups is critical to safe and healthy development. Recognizing that our development inevitably has an impact on the local environment should be one of the most important requirements when deciding when and where to develop our community. Decisions should be made with this at top of mind.
What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?
Working with village staff and other local groups, my plan is to seek out funding assistance from our state and national partners to improve our public transportation and infrastructure issues. This would be an ongoing process and not something that would happen overnight.
What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?
The council should continue to be a valued partner to local business and not a hinderance. The council should work with the chamber of commerce to encourage and attract new business to the village along with smart incentive planning.
What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?
Our public safety is made up of top tier talent. Our police and fire services need to be appropriately staffed and compensated for their roles. Criminal activity knows no boundaries and we have seen violent crime occur in and around our area. It is imperative that our public safety services work together with other local, state, and federal resources to not only deter crime, but prevent the opportunity for crime to occur.
What can or should the city to do increase affordable housing?
Affordable housing is important for everyone, especially the most vulnerable. The village needs to exercise all options when it comes to providing affordable housing so that others can work, live, and play in Downers Grove. This includes obtaining grant funding from local, state, and federal units so that the brunt of the cost is not placed solely on the local taxpayers.
How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?
Our city policies need to be reflective of all that call our village home. This includes those of different gender, race, sexuality, etc. Everyone brings something to our community, and it is important for us to embrace our differences. No one deserves to feel that they are not welcome in our community. I will do my best to ensure that everyone is treated as the human beings that they are.
Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?
As public officials, you are held to a higher standard. This includes avoiding any situation that could compromise the integrity of the office that is held, or decision making process. Enforcing this would be a task that village counsel would be involved in, and I would work to ensure that the process is transparent and fair to all.
How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?
Constituents can always contact me via reasonable means, i.e. phone, email, while understanding that I am a family man first and foremost, and I will do my best to respond in a timely and respectful manner.