Wheaton League of Women Voters names first male president

Bonnie Pitz, state board member of the League of Women Voters of Iowa, shows off a pin from the organization. For years, the League has held candidate forums/debates in Jasper County. Local Republican candidates are refusing to participate in the forums, citing frustrations over the group's lack of neutrality and a past mistake.

As the League of Women Voters (LWV) celebrates its 50th anniversary of allowing men as members, LWV of Wheaton has named its first male president.

Maury Goodman of Warrenville was elected as president of the Wheaton chapter, which serves Carol Stream, Warrenville, West Chicago, Wheaton and Winfield. This summer; he will lead the chapter’s efforts to register and educate voters and encourage people to vote in the 2024 general election and the 2025 consolidated election.

Goodman is an emeritus scientist at Argonne National Lab and a retired U.S. Army captain. He earned a Ph.D. in physics at the University of Illinois and a B.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

His extensive public service resume includes five terms as an alderman in the city of Warrenville, 12 years volunteering as a troop leader with the Girl Scouts and mentoring students from the Illinois Math and Science Academy. He continues volunteering, preparing taxes in the IRS Volunteers in Tax Assistance program.

Goodman believes everyone benefits when voters are better informed, and when more individuals vote.

“As the manner in which voters obtain election information evolves, it is important for the League to keep up and progress with the times,” Goodman said in a news release.. “As more young people join the electorate, it is crucial to provide opportunities for them to become informed about the issues that matter to them.”

As the 2024 general election approaches, Goodman is calling on residents to get involved in the process.

“Register to vote, learn about the candidates and vote on Nov. 5,” he said. He also encouraged voters not to overlook local elections, which in Illinois will take place in April 2025.

One resource for local, state or federal election information is VOTE411.org, a one-stop, nonpartisan online voter guide.

Get election information, learn about issues or become a member or support at wheatonlwvil.org or call 630-344-9015. Follow the League on Facebook @wheatonlwvil and follow the group on Instagram @lwvwheaton.

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