Westmont invites residents, businesses, organizations to join adopt-a-planter program

Residents, businesses and organizations are able to sign up and participate in Westmont’s Adopt-A-Planter program.

The program invites residents to get involved with the design and maintenance of village-owned planters. After a design is approved, participants will be responsible for purchasing the plants and flowers, planting them and providing general maintenance and care through the end of the program on Oct. 20.

The Village will be responsible for watering the planters. Westmont Public Works will place an “adoption” sign in each of the planters identifying the people and businesses who are the sponsors.

Sign up for the program has begun. In approximately mid-May, public works staff will contact Adopt-A-Planter participants to let them know when they can start planting. Participation will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Fill out the online signup form to apply.

For more information, contact Adopt-A-Planter Program Coordinator Jesse Raap at jraap@westmont.il.gov.

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