District 58 joins new athletic conference

David Bein, Downers Grove Grade School District 58’s assistant superintendent for business, said he favors elements of the new funding formula.

“I think it does a lot of good things,” Bein said. “The evidence-based model is good.”

But Bein expressed reservations about the $75 million tax credit scholarship program for low-income students that was a key component of the compromise legislation.

“How’s it going to shake out and develop?” Bein said. “The money has to come from somewhere. Philosophically, I’m not really sure who we’re trying to help.”

He added the tax credit scholarship program could “open the door to the disruption of public education.”

The Downers Grove Grade School District 58 School Board recently approved joining a new athletic conference for the two middle schools next school year, which will have a number of benefits for students and families.

Currently, the district competes in the DuPage Metro Valley Conference (DMVC) and beginning next year Herrick and O’Neill will be part of the Southeast DuPage Elementary Athletic Association (SDEAA).

Schools in SDEAA include all District 99 feeder schools and are therefore geographically closer, which will help with travel for students, families and staff. The SDEAA also has more sports and activities that are available to its member districts, such as soccer, chess and Scholastic Bowl.

Each district can select which sports and activities it will be a part of via an à la carte system.

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