Area voters once again can attend in-person candidate forums sponsored by the nonpartisan League of Women Voters, including an Oct. 11 event for Illinois House Representative District 42.
Questions have been sought from voters and will be vetted. Unlike a debate, a forum involves a neutral, trained moderator from outside the district who presents questions to candidates for their live responses, a news release stated.
The League of Women Voters of Glen Ellyn will host the candidate forum for District 42 at 7 p.m. Oct. 11, featuring incumbent Terra Costa Howard (D) and challenger Stefanie Hood (R). It will be held at the Glen Ellyn Historical Society, 800 N. Main St. in Glen Ellyn. Seating is on a first-come basis. The event will be recorded and then put on YouTube.
Area League of Women Voters groups are holding candidate forums for all contested races for Illinois house and senate.
The Glen Ellyn League sought to host a forum for area voters for the newly redistricted Illinois House District 47. Both incumbent Amy Grant (R) and Jackie Williamson (D) were invited to attend. While Williamson agreed to join the forum, repeated attempts to contact Grant were unsuccessful.
“We were disappointed not to offer area voters in the newly redistricted Illinois 47 a chance to see and evaluate their choices for candidates in an in-person forum,” Erica Nelson, co-director of voter services for the League of Women Voters of Glen Ellyn, stated in the release.
A Zoom candidate forum for Illinois State Senate District 21 is planned at 7 p.m. Oct. 13, organized by the League organizations of Glen Ellyn and Naperville.
And Illinois voters will have another chance to meet candidates and attend DuPage area candidate forums at an Oct. 23 event at Cantigny in Wheaton, called Ready, Set, Vote.
Early voting began in DuPage County on Sept. 29, and will continue through Election Day on Nov. 8. Voters also have the option of vote by mail, and can now request to make that option permanent in DuPage County.
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