Mosquitoes in Channahon, Coal City test positive for West Nile virus

Shaw Local file photo – Mosquitoes collected in traps in Sandwich have tested positive for the West Nile virus, the DeKalb County Health Department announced Friday.

Mosquitoes in Channahon and Coal City tested positive for West Nile virus during the first week of September the Grundy County Health Department said in a news release.

“Although summer is wrapping up, the Grundy County Health Department encourages everyone to continue taking preventative steps related to mosquito-borne viruses,” according to the release. “To minimize your risks, reduce, repel and report.”

Reduce exposure by avoiding the outdoors when mosquitoes are most active, especially between dusk and dawn. Ensure doors and windows have tight-fitting screens, repair or replace screens that have tears or other openings, and eliminate all sources of standing water where mosquitoes can breed. This includes flowerpots, wading pools, old tires and any other receptacles. Bird baths should be changed weekly.

Wear shoes and socks, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt outdoors. The Illinois Department of Public Health recommends applying insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR 3535 according to label instructions. Consult a physician for using repellents on infants.

The Grundy County Health Department asks residents to report stagnant water in roadside ditches, flooded yards and similar locations that may produce mosquitoes to whomever handles mosquito control activities in your area. That’s typically the local municipality.

“Mild cases of West Nile infections may cause a slight fever or headache,” according to the release. “More severe infections are marked by a rapid onset of a high fever with head and body aches, disorientation, tremors, convulsions and, in the most severe cases, paralysis or death.”

Symptoms will appear between three and 14 days after the bite of an infected mosquito. People 50 and older are at the highest risk. For information, call the Grundy County Health Department at 815-941-3115 or visit

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