Marvin and Kris Perino, who have owned and operated Babe’s Tap in Coal City since July 1989, are retiring when new owners take over at the end of the month.
Marvin said their current plan is to spend time with their 12 grandchildren and sleep in for once.
“We had a lot of good people, good employees,” Marvin said. “The socializing was the best part.”
Kris said they’re proud of the employees they’ve had over the years, adding so many have come through Babe’s Tap on their way to college or their future careers that she almost can’t remember them all.
“We have Tara, who has been here for 22 years. She was our babysitter,” Kris said. “And Cindy has been here almost since we started. A lot of girls that came here and went to college, they’ve become nurses and teachers and everything else. I’m really proud of that.”
Marvin and Kris said they’re both thankful to the Coal City community. Being in business wasn’t always easy, but people still found their way to Babe’s Tap, they said.
Although Marvin is retiring for the second time after working as a union electrician with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 176, Kris will continue her work at Ferrari Funeral Services.
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