September 19, 2024
Shaw Local

Looking Back for Aug. 28, 2024

Glidden Hospital, also known as DeKalb Public Hospital, looking west First and Bush Streets in DeKalb, 1951.

1924 – 100 Years Ago

Although the well workers at the Illinois Power Company have already a hole over 275 feet deep, the work is said to be progressing slowly at this time, due to the rock formation that must be drilled through. Since going down about 200 feet the workers have had to use the drill several times. It is impossible as yet to give an estimate of how long the work will take. The rock formations will continue for several hundred feet, and as long as it will be necessary to use the drill, the task will not be simple.

Residents of certain sections of Malta are now using the power furnished by the Illinois Power Company, at this city according to a statement issued by Superintendent F. S. Simms, of the DeKalb plant. The remainder of the residents are now being switched over to the new line by employees of the company and in a short time the entire village will be operated by the DeKalb company.

John Moran, one of the bandits of the Fahy gang, is now in the county jail here awaiting his trial in the Federal courts in Chicago. He was brought here by United States Marshall Aris of Chicago. Many people will remember the Fahy gang, as the robbers who looted the United States Mall trains at Roundout, Ill., and got away with over $2,000,000 worth of securities and cash.

Apparently authentic word comes that three stations on the Chicago & Northwestern’s Spring Valley-Belvidere branch are to be closed. They are Rollo, Elva and Henrietta. This step is taken in the general program of retrenching expenses that is being put into force by all the roads.The business of the Rollo station will naturally be done at Earlville. Freight originally handled at Elva will probably be billed out by the DeKalb office and the Henrietta business will naturally be looked after by Belvidere.

President Earl Wetzel of the Sycamore Izaak Walton League, states the residents of Sycamore and others living in this vicinity have not been respecting the laws in regard to trespassing and shooting in the new game preserve near this city. As the state authorities have combined with the local Waltonian league, to make this one of the best preserves in the state, it is not intended that persons shall take it upon themselves to hunt there under any consideration. The morning dove and squirrel season opens next Monday and a watch is to be kept at the preserve to enforce the laws on these premises.

1949– 75 Years Ago

Inspection of the Lucinda Avenue bridge in DeKalb has disclosed the need for repairs and the supports are to be reinforced and other repairs made. New signs will be erected on both sides of the bridge warning motorists that they should drive slowly and also posting the bridge as having a capacity of but 4,000 pounds. Heavy loads will not be allowed to cross the Lucinda Avenue bridge and heavy trucks and the like will have to use the highway or College Avenue spans.

Sycamore’s brand-new squad car was placed in service today. Police Chief Wes Plapp drove the new Pontiac away from the station early this morning and started on the rounds of the city. When the new machine is broken in with at least 500 miles on the speedometer, speeders then can beware because no longer will fast drivers be able to outrun the police car. The old car had been in service almost three years.

DeKalb is at present in the midst of an insect control program with the entire community being either sprayed or fogged recently and now preparing for the second in the series of three sprayings which will take place in the next several days.

Setting an example which many adults could well follow, a youngster, about ten years of age, yesterday walked into the DeKalb Trust and Savings Bank and asked where he could make a donation to the insect control program. Directed to the proper place he told the bank official that he realized that his donation was small but that it was all he had and that he wanted to do his part. He reached into his pocket and turned over the quarter which he wanted to use to assist in the fly control program. For a young boy this was a large donation as this was all he had and a youngster of his age usually finds plenty of other uses for his coins.

Residents noting a single parking meter in a block have been wondering just what the purpose of the move is and have made inquiry. One meter has been placed in the blocks on South Second, South Third and North Second adjacent to the business section in DeKalb. These meters have been set up for strictly technical reasons and no other meters are to be placed in these blocks. Many were wondering if there were to be an expansion of the number of parking meters, but this is not the case.

1974 – 50 Years Ago

If the DeKalb County Tuberculosis Clinic closes, don’t count on the local TB Board to do so. That was the reaction from the board Tuesday to a report of the Illinois Department of Public Health which recommended its closing.

Eye Pleasers – Seamless, smooth fashion require seamless, smooth underwear.

An advisory referendum on keeping open DeKalb Public Hospital with its present services will be presented to voters, possibly as early as October. There was little opposition to the referendum, which would ask citizens if they want to continue the hospital as an acute health care facility.

The new Roberts Elementary School site on Normal Road was annexed to DeKalb last night. The city council voted to accept both the 10-acre site and its final plat. Approval of the plan, necessary for city water rates, had been delayed because the city had plans to extend Garden Road across a portion of the school yard.

1999 - 25 Years Ago

Volunteers are the colorful threads tying Corn Fest together each year, according to those donating their time and effort to the annual community event. Volunteers demonstrate dedication to making Corn Fest a success by scheduling events, planning volunteer meetings, contacting business for support and supplying provisions for runners in races.

An unidentified man carrying a canvas bag bolted past a security checkpoint at O’Hare International Airport, shutting down part of one of the world’s busiest airports for several hours. Chicago police and airport security swept through the United Airlines terminal at O’Hare Thursday afternoon, ordering an estimated 6,000 passengers outside. In all, 27,000 travelers nationwide were affected by the manhunt, airline officials said.

Residents of two Malta subdivisions want to join the Dekalb School District. A petition to disengage from Malta schools was received by the regional school superintendent on Aug. 17 from members of the Donney Brook and Trade Winds housing areas, which are located in between the Village of Malta and the City of DeKalb.

Compiled by Sue Breese

Sue Breese

Sue Breese is a DeKalb County area historian.