Holding on to a negative thought or hurt creates an internal feeling of discomfort that lingers inside the body and sits up straight in the mind.

Knowing that your friendly dog doesn’t bite is only an opinion; even a friendly dog could bite if the dog’s ear is pulled, or if being teased, or not feeling well

Years back, live people answered a ringing phone. In today’s times, live people may choose to answer the phone or otherwise let it ring into an outgoing voicemail to the caller, who may or may not leave a message.

Best friends are special friends that when needed will lend an ear and give support to the other half of the friendship. They at times can become a chauffeur, babysitter, money lender and are the holder of secrets that must never be shared with anyone.

At the time encountered, some people are not having their best day, but will simply reply, “fine,” as an end-all answer being nondescript and avoiding any additional questions.