Police: Man attacked woman he was dating, two older adults Easter morning

Daniel J. Winkles

An Ingleside man who police said attacked three people early Sunday including a woman he was dating has been charged with a litany of felony battery offenses.

Daniel J. Winkles, 28, is charged with 11 counts of aggravated battery, including specifically for choking people, using a deadly weapon and attacking victims older than 60 years old. Winkles also is charged with resisting a police officer and obstructing a police officer.

A Lake County judge set Winkles bail at $500,000. He would have to pay $50,000 in cash to leave Lake County jail while the case is pending, Lake County sheriff’s Deputy Chief Chris Covelli said Tuesday.

Covelli said sheriff’s deputies were sent to a home on the 36400 block of North Fairfield Road in Ingleside about 6:30 a.m. Sunday. Someone at the home had called 911 but was not talking to dispatchers, Covelli said.

While the officers were on their way to the scene, dispatchers could hear someone on the other end of the line say, “you choked me out, Danny,” before the call was disconnected.

When deputies arrived on the scene they determined Winkles, who lives at the home, had seriously battered three people: a 68-year-old woman and a 72-year-old man, who also lived there, and a 29-year-old woman whom Winkles was dating, Covelli said.

Deputies learned Winkles had a knife in his pocket and told him not to reach for the knife. Winkles put his hand in his pocket and the officers rushed in and wrestled him to the ground, Covelli said.

Winkles resisted but eventually was taken into custody. A knife later was found in his pocket.

After Winkles was subdued, investigators determined what had happened in the home before they arrived. Winkles first attacked the 29-year-old woman, striking her, pulling her hair and covering her nose and mouth with his hands until she almost lost consciousness. He also attacked and choked the 68-year-old woman, Covelli said.

When the 72-year-old man tried to intervene, Winkles took the man’s cane, hit him with it and cut the man with a knife, Covelli said.

Even if Winkles makes bail, he won’t be leaving custody, Covelli said

Winkles already was on parole before the latest battery charges. Even if he posts bond, Winkles will remain in the custody of the Illinois Department of Corrections.

He is next due in court May 12.