Gurnee American Legion to host Black History Month salute to Black veterans

Event to include keynote address, Q&A session

GURNEE – Gurnee American Legion Post 771 invites the public to attend its inaugural Black History Month Salute to Black Veterans.

The event will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, at the Gurnee American Legion Post 771, 749 Milwaukee Ave., Gurnee.

The keynote speaker is Charles Jones, a veteran who was a captain in the U.S. Army. Jones is the CEO of CBH Consulting, an author and a member of the Gurnee Legion.

After the keynote address, a panel of veterans from across services branches will take questions from the audience and give answers about their personal experiences.

Food will be available for guests to enjoy.

Admission is free, but donations help cover costs.

For more information, call Post Sr. Vice Commander Les Deffner at 847-244-9282 or email

Gurnee American Legion Post 711 serves Gurnee veterans, their families, the Gurnee community and Lake County veterans.

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