Letter: Just a thought ... about the dark

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Have you ever feared the dark? Did you ever hesitate or get a chill when the lights suddenly would go out? There is something about losing visual stimuli that can take away the feeling of being safe and secure. There are adults who need to sleep with the lights on.

Many children put their heads under the covers in order to hide from something that might be close by and waiting to “get them.” Imagination can make someone keep their feet and arms tucked under the covers just in case something scary is lurking in the dark waiting to “touch them.”

Frightened children have convinced themselves that something bad may be hiding under their bed or even looking out at them from a dark closet. Tales about the boogeyman explain that he hides in the dark and plans to suddenly appear.

It’s been reported that ghosts usually appear when it’s dark and that’s when people have claimed to hear voices or seen an image dart across a room or float down a staircase.

Dark roads can be spooky to some people, especially when being lost. Yet that same road will be lovely during daylight. People take walks through the forest enjoying the sounds of nature and being surrounded by tall, thick trees. Would those people enjoy that walk on a dark night if they couldn’t see the forest through the trees?

Do things really go bump in the night?

Linda Alexandra
