Letter: Just a thought ... about grudges

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Holding on to a negative thought or hurt creates an internal feeling of discomfort that lingers inside the body and sits up straight in the mind.

Unless a grudge is distinguished almost immediately, it will fester and eventually can cause a disturbance inside the body and mid. ’Tis best to identify why the grudge exists. Thinking of how it developed or talking about it to the source that caused it could dissolve it.

Have you ever carried a grudge? Does it just go away? It is a persistent feeling of ill will that eventually causes resentment to build and could even bring about an illness or internal disorder. Will ignoring it make it feel worse or just help it to go away by itself? It has been written that “what you resist, persists.” Acknowledging the grudge can be a power-filled way to begin releasing it. Holding grudges takes control over one’s emotions.

Remember that we cannot control what others say or attempt to do to us indirectly or purposely, but we always have control on how we handle the situation using our choices to either respond, ignore it or not take it inwardly. The best advice that we can follow is to be assured that no one can control our emotions unless we allow it.

Associating with others can be difficult at times. Whenever possible, if you feel a grudge coming on, just whistle a happy tune.

Linda Alexandra
