Letter: Just a thought ... about pretending

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Children start the art of pretending somewhere between 18 months to 2 years after birth. Children create and design their very own imaginary friends. They enjoy conducting pretend tea parties and at times will even talk with their deceased relatives.

Did you ever pretend when you were a child? It seems to provide a child with a sense of security and belonging. Making believe helps them become a part of experiencing social involvement and provides them with some adult experiences that come with growing up.

Dressing up and wearing adult shoes and clothes gives them the chance to imitate and feel through their imagination the maturity that comes along with their turn of getting older. Can these children using their imagination and their ability to pretend enable them to pretend in their adult years, too?

Adults also can use pretend. An adult can pretend to like someone or something. They can act and pretend to be wealthy. Some people can pretend to love someone for personal gain.

There are people who pretend to be something they are not. These people will wear a mask and must continue to live this facade until they are exposed.

People pretend for various reasons. They pretend to have the required qualifications to get hired.

Pretending can be fun, but not ever to fool or misuse.

Is “fake it until you make it” OK? This seems insincere, doesn’t it? How about “honesty is the best policy”?

Linda Alexandra
