2025 Election Questionnaire: Jim Marter, Oswego District 308 Board of Education

Jim Marter

Name: Jim Marter

What office are you seeking? Oswego School Board SD308

What is your political party? This is a non-partisan ballot

What is your current age? 62

Occupation and employer: Software Consultant, self employed

What offices, if any, have you previously held? Current Oswego Library District Board Trustee (2021-2025) https://www.oswego.lib.il.us/about-us/board-of-trustees 2024 Republican Nominee for US Congress 14th District, Illinois Won Primary, defeating opponent 80% to 20%.2024 Delegate for President TRUMP 14th District, Illinois. Top vote position, amongst all Delegates. / Precinct Committee person, Oswego 22, current and served since 2015, elected four times, defeated a primary opp. with 79% of the vote. Elected 3 times and Served as Kendall County Republican Chairman (Three full terms, between 2016 – 2024) Illinois 2020 14th District Presidential Elector (appointed) Deputy on GOP State Central Committee for Illinois 14th District (2022) (appointed)

City: Oswego

Campaign Website: https://www.facebook.com/JimMarter4SchoolBoard

Education: Jim is a 1984 graduate of Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management and a minor in Computer Science. Dean’s list spring 1983 and fall 1984. In 1995, He received professional certification from the American Production and Inventory Control Society, a Certification in Production and Inventory Mgmt. (CPIM)

Community Involvement: Jim’s long history of community service include: Lifeguard and Swimming Instructor 1979-80 Peoria Park District, Lake Camelot 1980-84 Co-founded 1981 and coached the competitive Lake Camelot Swim Team in Mapleton, Illinois, for three years, it is still thriving to this day. Served on his Church’s Education Commission. Served as a Coach and Board Member, Meet Director and was elected to Vice-President of the club of the USA Swimming Club, Midland Dolphins in Midland, MI for 5 years. 1992-97 In Aurora, IL Coached Boys and Girls Grade School Basketball Leagues for 5 years. 2005-10 In Oswego Troop 63, served 15 years as a Scout Leader, as Assistance Scout Master and board Member. 1999-2015

Marital status/Immediate family: Jim has been married to his wife Jill for 39 years and they have four children and five grandchildren to date. They are active parishioners at St. Anne Parish in Oswego.


How can the district improve reading and English proficiency and state test scores?

Empower our teachers to teach. Provide solid, proven, time-tested curriculums and materials that work. In some of our schools we need to reduce class size by hiring more teachers or additional teachers’ aides may be needed. End the safety and security issues, that are distracting and interfering with our classrooms. There’s well know issues, primarily in a number of our Junior High Schools and some of the primary education schools. Ensure we have a safe and secure learning environment, so that teachers, can focus on their job.

As diversity, equity and inclusion programs are being rolled back in organizations around the country, what role does the school district have to play in ensuring a diverse community of learners has equal opportunities for success?

There wasn’t a problem before these programs were introduced and there’s not going to be a problem after. It was a political movement, that was inserted into our schools and education curriculums, that at best, didn’t do any “educational” harm, and at worst can be correlated to the sharp declines in academic performance these last 4 years!The board of education and the district has a clear responsibility to provide all of our students with an education, and growth opportunities that will enable them to be successful in the working environment, whether that be a profession that requires a college education, or working in the trades, health care, first responders, law enforcement or any number of other pursuits. My #1 mission: Success of ALL our STUDENTS, my priorities are:1. Student Success 2. SAFETY & SECURITY 3. Fiscal Responsibility 4. Teacher Empowerment 5. Parent Collaboration

Do you think the district is doing enough to ensure that schools are drug-free environments? Why or why not? And if not, what more can be done?

FOIA excluding traffic and non-building locations. NOTE: this does not include any Police incidents handled by Montgomery Police or Kendall, Kane or Will County or other municipalities with the district. Oswego Police Department Total Number of police calls, incidents, etc. for all SD 308 facilities per year for the last 6 years, with yearly totals by year.2018 – 189 2019 – 517 2020 – 232 2021 – 246 2022 – 416 2023 – 460 2024 – 430That’s a lot, Though I don’t have any specifics on DRUG related incidents or arrests, it safe to say that what both students and teachers have told me we are NOT doing enough. At some point, those trafficking DRUGS in our schools need to be dealt with and removed from the general population and from recruiting children attending our schools. The main thing to be done, is to make SAFTETY and SECURITY a priority again. This includes removing drug dealers and traffickers from our schools, if they were not there, we wouldn’t have a drug problem.

What steps can districts take to ensure students are physically safe while in the building? Is the district doing enough or would you like to see more?

There’s a host of visible problems in security that are apparent, and the Teachers know, because they are telling us, parents as well. The district is not doing enough at certain schools, perhaps district wide. These are the things that are fixable with better management and the right leadership, with the right priorities, namely, to keep our Students, Staff and Teachers safe and foster a learning environment, with a lot less distractions and scares. Following and enforcing our rules of discipline and providing enough and targeted security plans. SAFETY and SECURITY is crucial to Student Success , without it the education process suffers, and learning is impeded. When our children don’t feel safe, are targeted for bullying, or any other situation occurring in our schools that makes them feel uneasy, then they won’t be able to focus on Academics. Being in the classroom is a privilege. A disruptive child in the room must be removed and disciplined, not the entire class. Our classrooms must be a safe space for all. School SAFETY will be a Priority, in addition to what is already being done, other than simple better Priorities and Management,1. zero tolerance for those committing crimes: threats, assault, grooming, bullying, … we will protect ALL students, staff, and teachers.2. SAFETY also means best practices involving facilities, maintenance, sports, events, trips, transportation etc. 3. Better hiring practicing with respect to background checks and regular follow up and monitoring of employees with direct, non-supervised access to children.4. Review and create with Staff, Local LEO, and Security Experts, SECURITY plans and protocol, and Security teams for every building every school day, and all functions, meetings and special events, regular and extraordinary events. There are protocols, tools, systems and procedures that should be upgraded or implemented.5. Continuous Improvement: Review, Assess, Recommend, and Implement changes to plans, equipment, tools and security resources.

If you have children, do they or did they attend public school and was that for all of their K-12 school years?

My Children are all Adults. I have graduates of Oswego High School. I have one grandson, currently at Oswego High School, and two granddaughters in school, one at an Oswego grade school and one at the early learning center. I have two more new granddaughters under the age of 1, also living in the district.

What do you see as the school district’s role in deciding what materials should be available in the library and in curricula?

It’s the district’s job, and the board’s responsibility.

Most of local residents' property taxes go to their school districts. Are taxes paid to your school district too high? What would you do to protect the interests of taxpayers?

Of course they are. I’m for performing a full financial audit. I will NOT raise taxes on the residents of the district. I will look for opportunities to create revenue streams for the district, by levering our assets and resources. I will be fiscally responsible and look to eliminate any areas of waste and unnecessary discretionary spending. Because of funding formulas controlled by the legislature in Springfield, any major changes must come from the legislature.

Most of the COVID relief money from the federal government is coming to an end. What spending adjustments does your school district need to make to address that?

SD308 has revenues of $376.6 Million. The percentage of Federal money is relatively small. I reviewed the ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT of the OSWEGO COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 308, OSWEGO, ILLINOIS, As of and for the Year Ended June 30, 2024Most of the revenue was State and Local, taxes, funds and grants. The identifiable federal funds from the report were not COVID money. In fact, a search of the 143 pages of the report shows not a single reference to COVID money. If SD308 had any, it wasn’t identified in the 2024 budget.

Should Title IX cover sexual orientation or gender identity? What are your views on the use of locker rooms and bathrooms by transgender students and their participating in sports?

No. Only girls and women will be allowed in girls/ women’s sports, locker rooms, and bathrooms. Any person with gender dysphoria may request access to single room use facilities or special facilities. Males must compete in male only sports. There may be exceptions for girls who do not have an equivalent sports option but are physically capable and qualified to compete in the boys/men’s program. It probably doesn’t happen much, but it did back in my school days. We had females on swimming and cross-country teams which did not have enough to form a team of their own. They in fact competed and contributed to the teams I was on in high school. Club Hockey is an example.

What is your stance on ICE agents accessing school grounds, and what policies would you advocate for regarding their presence on school property?

ICE will be afforded any access they need per Federal law and open warrants. There is no need to advocate for any policy. I take the safety and security of all students as the highest regard, if ICE is asking for access, there must be an active threat to our students. We will always cooperate with all LEOs!

What are the top three issues that the school district is facing right now?

1. Failing students at Grade Level, Reading, Mathematics being top priority.2. SAFETY & SECURITY3. Fiscal Responsibility

What is your position on allowing students to use cell phones during school hours?

I don’t have a position, other than in classrooms, unless the teacher is explicitly using cell phones as part of instruction, in the higher grades, then cellphones should not be used in classrooms. I do think we should assess the appropriate place for cell phones and procedures. I am not in favor of the Legislature in Springfield dictating what we should or should not do about cell phones, and a whole lot of other issues.

Do you think cell phone policies should allow exceptions for emergencies or specific educational purposes? If so, how would these exceptions be defined?

Yes. I do think we should assess the appropriate place for cell phones and procedures.

What steps would you take to address concerns about cyberbullying and inappropriate content access through student cell phones?

First, only with respect to what is happening on school property and school events. Second, only with respect to what Illinois law allows us to manage. If it’s a law enforcement matter immediately involve law enforcement. If unclear, call law enforcement. Next, if not a law enforcement matter, have appropriate school rules and enforce proper disciplinary procedures on those violating them.

Should students be able to use AI in schoolwork?

Only in specific classroom situations, where it is warranted, because it is part of the lesson. In most cases, I would leave the discretion to the teacher to use or not use AI as required to best facilitate learning.

What is your plan for making district financial reports, including budgets and expenditures, publicly available and easy to understand?

Show every bill, EVERY DIME ON-LINE, in a real-time fashion, available for easy to read and searchable reporting, both on discussion of major proposed spending and on all actual spending.

How would you involve parents and community members in the decision-making process for curriculum or policy changes?

We have regular board meetings for public comment and citizen and student committees. Additionally, we have multiple mechanism to receive emails and other forms of written communication. I personally will be available to parents and the community via email and phone, personal meetings if necessary, to listen to any concerns being ignored through the normal process.

What is your position on banning books in school libraries or classrooms, and how do you define the criteria for such decisions?

It doesn’t apply, we don’t ban books. We do and should make good choices for the best materials available to provide our children with the best opportunities and age-appropriate content for their grade level. We should not be promoting inappropriate adult content, and or non-educational agendas.

How would you balance maintaining appropriate class sizes with the current teacher staffing levels?

There are a number of classrooms with a class size issue, particularly in SD308 junior high schools and likely a few grade schools that need to be addressed, we need to ensure we have the number of teachers and aids available to allow for smaller classrooms.

Do you believe the district is allocating enough resources toward hiring and supporting teachers, and if not, what changes would you make?

No. As indicated in the previous question, we have some classrooms with too many students. It’s a matter of priority. My priority will be towards more teachers in the classrooms, less 3rd party consultants, and less administrations to balance it.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

As candidate: I have public Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/JimMarter4SchoolBoard/ interested persons can send a message, a Published phone number (815) 585-8006, and a published email. JImMarter4SchoolBoard@gmail.com As elected board member, through public emails and through process in place with current board, in addition to maintaining my campaign contacts.