Name: Heather Martin
What office are you seeking? SD308 School Board
What is your political party? non-partisan
What is your current age? 41
Occupation and employer: Assistant Dean, Elgin Community College
What offices, if any, have you previously held? None
City: Montgomery
Campaign Website:
Education: University of Illinois- BA in Music Education, Spanish Minor Concordia University- MA in Curriculum and Instruction, ESL Endorsement Northern Illinois University- Ed.D. in Higher Education- Community College Leadership
Community Involvement: I am the president of the Illinois Adult and Continuing Educators Association. I have served on the board for that organization for about 6 years.
Marital status/Immediate family: My husband, Mike, is a civil engineer. I have a 14 year old son who is a freshman at OHS and a 12 year old son who is in 6th grade at Thompson Jr. High.
How can the district improve reading and English proficiency and state test scores?
The district can improve reading scores by evaluating and strengthening the reading curricula across the district so that teachers have ample resources and support. They can increase the use of classroom assessment data so that gaps in learning are identified early and students can get any necessary interventions. They can also enhance professional development and support for teachers so that they are equipped with strategies to support English Learners and students with learning differences and have the tools they need to effectively use their classroom assessment data. They can also establish coaching opportunities and professional learning communities focused on literacy improvement strategies. Lastly, resources permitting, the district can hire specialists to provide additional support.
As diversity, equity and inclusion programs are being rolled back in organizations around the country, what role does the school district have to play in ensuring a diverse community of learners has equal opportunities for success?
It is the role of public schools to serve their local communities. 308 is a diverse community, and it is the responsibility of the public school system to ensure that all of its students have access to a quality education.
Do you think the district is doing enough to ensure that schools are drug-free environments? Why or why not? And if not, what more can be done?
The district has some programs and resources in place, but there is room to expand on them. SD308 consistently promotes “see something, say something” and provides numerous avenues, such as their incident reporting form, by which students can do that. They also have their Safe2Help partnership which allows students to use a variety of different means to report issues confidentially. Students can also use the Safe2Help resources if they would like to seek help for themselves. These resources are printed on the backs of the students’ IDs. In addition to reporting programs and resources, the district also has their random drug testing policy for students participating in extracurricular activities. The district can build upon these policies by fostering partnerships with local organizations to create community-wide initiatives. They can also strengthen existing substance abuse education programs and counseling services that they have available to the students.
What steps can districts take to ensure students are physically safe while in the building? Is the district doing enough or would you like to see more?
The district already has visitor management procedures and emergency response training in place and has for several years. They also have school resource offices and the Students Rights and Responsibilities Code which communicates expectations, procedures, and resources. Given that our students’ safety is paramount, it is essential that the district continues to evaluate and enhance these measures. They can do this by conducting regular safety audits and continuously adjusting existing measures and adopting additional measures.
If you have children, do they or did they attend public school and was that for all of their K-12 school years?
I am a very strong believer in public schools. I have two children who have been enrolled in SD308 since kindergarten. They are currently in 6th and 9th grade. My husband and I are also products of the public education system. He and I both went to public schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. We also both have Bachelor’s degrees from a public university, and I have a doctorate from a public university. I have also worked in public schools and community colleges for the last 20 years.
What do you see as the school district’s role in deciding what materials should be available in the library and in curricula?
I believe it is the district’s role to establish what materials are in the curricula and the school libraries, because it is their responsibility to balance state and federal regulations, educational goals, and community values. There should be policies in place to guide how materials are selected and how and by whom they are reviewed. There should also be processes by which community members can provide input and feedback and challenge the choices made by the district in addition to providing those opportunities at public meetings. These policies and procedures, along with how the materials support learning and align with curricula, should be clearly and transparently communicated to the community.
Most of local residents' property taxes go to their school districts. Are taxes paid to your school district too high? What would you do to protect the interests of taxpayers?
Property taxes account for roughly 60% of SD308’s revenue. I believe it is the district’s responsibility to consider taxpayers’ interests and balance that with the financial needs of the district. Given the district’s position in their strategic planning process, it is a good time to review and reevaluate budgeting practices, establish a framework for continuous evaluation of operational efficiency, and explore avenues for alternative funding. Assessing and strengthening these practices will allow SD308 to ensure fiscal responsibility while meeting the financial needs of the district.
Most of the COVID relief money from the federal government is coming to an end. What spending adjustments does your school district need to make to address that?
The deadline for spending the federal COVID relief funds has already passed. The district planned accordingly for the loss of these funds, as they were never meant to be long-term. Over the last few years, the district has been focusing on conservative funding assumptions and aggressive expenditure planning. This planning, combined with our DSEB bonds, will help mitigate the impact of the loss of the COVID funds. The district should continue this conservative approach while continuing to evaluate their operational efficiency and adjust as needed.
Should Title IX cover sexual orientation or gender identity? What are your views on the use of locker rooms and bathrooms by transgender students and their participating in sports?
Title IX is a federal law. Therefore, the SD308 school board has no influence on Title IX and must abide by whatever definitions are set forth by the federal government.
What is your stance on ICE agents accessing school grounds, and what policies would you advocate for regarding their presence on school property?
Having ICE agents on school grounds is not conducive to a productive learning environment for the students. Their presence can be threatening to some students and distracting to many. According to, except in rare instances, ICE does not detain unaccompanied minors. Therefore, there is no reason for them to be anywhere on school grounds. If ICE is in possession of a criminal federal warrant, they can work with school personnel to execute the warrant in a way that does not disrupt the learning environment.
What are the top three issues that the school district is facing right now?
The top three issues in the district are the need for strong and sustainable curriculum review processes so that our curricula are relevant and innovative, a meaningful and well-articulated strategic plan to guide sustainable success, and a master facility plan that will coordinate funding and lower taxes for the SD308 community.
What is your position on allowing students to use cell phones during school hours?
While cell phones can be useful educational tools, they can also be a distraction for students. I believe it should be up to the teachers if or how cell phones are used in their classrooms.
Do you think cell phone policies should allow exceptions for emergencies or specific educational purposes? If so, how would these exceptions be defined?
The Students Rights and Responsibilities Code already states that cell phones may be used with a teacher’s permission for educational purposes only, as provided in a student’s IEP or 504, and in an emergency that threatens safety of students, staff, or other individuals. These rules should be regularly reviewed and adapted as necessary and communicated clearly to students and their families.
What steps would you take to address concerns about cyberbullying and inappropriate content access through student cell phones?
The district already has an Acceptable Use Policy, an incident reporting form, content filters, Students Rights and Responsibilities Code, privacy policies, and opportunities for parents to get involved through workshops and informational sessions. The district should evaluate and strengthen these measures. This can be done by bolstering digital citizenship lessons for students that include responsible usage, safety, and cyberbullying; expanding parent workshop offerings; updating and enforcing cell phone policies; and enhancing filtering and monitoring measures.
Should students be able to use AI in schoolwork?
I think whether or not students use AI in schoolwork should be at the teacher’s discretion. AI is already being integrated into higher education and several different career settings. Recently, the California State University system, the largest public university system in the US, launched ChatGPT Edu access to its 23 campuses. AI is regularly being used in fields such as healthcare, finance, retail, and supply chain management. Therefore, in order for our students to be prepared to successfully navigate their educational and professional journeys, they are going to need to know how to engage with AI responsibly and ethically. By leaving AI usage up to the teacher’s discretion, students will learn when AI can be used appropriately and when it’s not appropriate, and they will have support and instruction when using it.
What is your plan for making district financial reports, including budgets and expenditures, publicly available and easy to understand?
While the district already has a financial page, it is not easy for the public to understand. The information would be easier to understand with the addition of visuals like charts and graphs, interactive dashboards, historical comparisons, and budget at a glance reports. In addition to increased transparency and more accessible presentation of content on the webpage, the district can also hold regular forums where district officials present financial updates and answer questions. They can also hold Q&A sessions and provide FAQs and infographics explaining common topics.
How would you involve parents and community members in the decision-making process for curriculum or policy changes?
Involving parents and community members in the decision-making process for curriculum and policy changes is crucial for maintaining transparency and ensuring that the educational initiatives in SD308 align with community values. Some measures I would take to foster involvement are ensuring that advisory committees have a meaningful role in these processes, hosting regular forums and town hall meetings, conducting surveys and establishing open feedback channels, engaging parent organizations and community leaders, and maintaining transparency by sharing timelines and minutes and communicating feedback channels and how feedback is used.
What is your position on banning books in school libraries or classrooms, and how do you define the criteria for such decisions?
I am not in favor of banning books in school libraries or classrooms. However, I do respect parents’ rights to establish boundaries for what content is or is not appropriate for their children and request alternative materials as necessary.
How would you balance maintaining appropriate class sizes with the current teacher staffing levels?
I would take a data-driven approach to staffing. By analyzing class size metrics, enrollment trends, and necessary supports across grades and schools, the district can identify the areas that need attention and reallocate staff to areas with a higher student-to-teacher ratio.
Do you believe the district is allocating enough resources toward hiring and supporting teachers, and if not, what changes would you make?
I believe the teachers need more support. However, there are ways in which the district could improve their support of teachers without reallocating resources. Based on findings of the district’s recent curriculum audit, the district needs to provide transparent and direct communication regarding job responsibilities and clarify expectations so that teachers have the information they need to perform effectively. The district also needs streamlined and centralized curriculum processes that ensure consistency and clarity across the district. Establishing these processes will further outline expectations, align instructional practices, and provide channels through which teachers can provide input and get support. Lastly, targeted professional development tailored to the teachers’ needs and the district’s newly strengthened systems will maximize the impact of these changes.
How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?
In addition to attending and being available at the public forums and other events already held by the district, I will be available to my constituents via email and on social media.