2025 Election Questionnaire: Carolyn Waibel, St. Charles City Council, Third Ward

Carolyn Waibel


Carolyn Waibel

What office are you seeking?

St. Charles City Council 3rd Ward

What is your political party?

Independent-This is a Non Partisan Position

What is your current age?


Occupation and employer:

Experience of 20 years in Corporate Executive Level Sales and Marketing; 15 years Philanthropic Appointed and Elected Positions in STC, D303, and Kane County when life permits

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

Elected D303 Board of Education, Terms 2017 and 2021Appointed to City of St Charles Commissions: Mental Health 708 Board 2013-2022, Youth Commission 2013-2017, Housing Commission 2017-2019.Co-Created and Appointed to Kane County Opioid Board, Kane County Behavioral Health, Fox Valley Vape Task Force, Advised for Iris MH referral system 2015-2022. Appointed to IL Rep and IL Senator Education, Mental Health and Youth Advisory Committees 2017-2022 when life permitted.


St. Charles

Campaign Website:



University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana 1994 Bachelor Communications, Advertising/Marketing

Community Involvement:

15 Years of Education, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Youth and Spec Needs. Elected D303 Board of Education, Terms 2017 and 2021: Created Safety, Discipline, Financial, Community, Special Ed, Achievement Review committees. Served Business, Community, Education Committee. Appointed to City of St Charles Mental Health 708 Board 2013-2022, Youth Commission 2013-2017, Housing Commission 2017-2019.Co-Created and Appointed to Kane County Opioid Board, Kane County Behavioral Health, Fox Valley Vape Task Force, Advised for Iris MH referral system 2015-2022. Appointed to IL Rep and IL Senator Education, Mental Health and Youth Advisory Committees 2017-2022.PTO Board and President, Committee Chair, Fundraising Chair, Event Chair and Creator 2010-2014.

Marital status/Immediate family:

I have a son in his last year of college in Michigan.


How important is sustainability/eco friendly energy? Major factors in decision to renew IMEA contract?

As we have realized with our own infrastructure problems, we do not want to gift our environment problems to our next generations. Currently 80% of the energy that IMEA supplies is from coal, while the national average is 16%. There should be collaboration from IMEA to incorporate wind, water and other alternative energy sources. They do not have an (IRP) Integrated Resource Plan showing any incremental projections or revisions. I would like to see a plan that reflects the upcoming regulatory reforms from our new federal administration. The city has the option to respond with a delay in signing the contract ten years early and put a (RFP) request for proposal. Contrary to what our current third ward alderman have said, we do have options for similar energy companies, ie Next Era, Constellation and dozens more, that provide similar services including the regulatory reporting. Time, patience, information, and due diligence: these are all needed to make such an important fiduciary decision for our taxpayers, not only for their dollars, but for their electricity.

Is keeping the dam important to you? Why?

As an elected official, it is imperative to represent the consensus of your constituency and balance that with the facts of the issue. The facts are we do not have any specific ecological data to prove the removal of the dam is necessary for the betterment of the health of the Fox River and its ecosystem. The preliminary reports have been inconclusive and biased, new reports are currently being created. That said, the constituency in the 3rd Ward, specifically, are opposed to changing the structure of the river. I agree with them, and expect to represent those views. Personally, the dam represents family to me, as my father, who is passed now, fished in it as often as he could in his retirement. The dam, the river, is decades of memories from when we came here to live in the 1970’s. My understanding of the true financial issue lies in IDNR not wanting to be the holders of the quick claim deed, and thus upkeep of the damn YTY, so that would be the discussion in city hall. The financials I have been given by the city for annual upkeep is nominal, so in checking the accuracy, I see that as an alternative at this time.

Are there any businesses you would not accept campaign donations from?

My philosophy on campaign donations is to keep the numbers and expenses very low, be frugal, economical and run a smart campaign. You should not need much. As for those individuals or companies that do donate, I have to be aligned with them philosophically, morally and ethically.

Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?

ICE is a federally regulated program that state, county and municipal law enforcement are duty bound to follow the law.

What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?

1.Dam Project-As discussed in a prior point, we need to open up communication to the community the complete, unbiased studies, and progress we have or have not made to this point of the decision making regarding the dam. As I mentioned earlier, if all the studies show there is no ecological need to remove or modify the dam, I would leave it as is. If IMDR wants to quick claim deed it back to STC, review the financials and budget, move forward.

2.Infrastructure Needs-The City of St Charles has a water and sewer aging infrastructure, some of the original pipes dating back 120+ years. On the west side, in the 3rd ward, we have had repeatedly had brown water, with the analysis not up to standard. In speaking with Public Works, they advised us that they have proposed a $20 million, 20 year improvement plan that was voted down not just by the original council serving, but the prior two before it. Also, on the east side the sewer trunk main line is not able to handle development on the mall site. Unfortunately, we are saddling the current taxpayers with decades of improvements because, well this expenditure isn’t fun and sparkly. We will soon have the water rate study back and that will help guide our projection process. Clearly, I would bring in a strategic plan that covered 3-5-10 and 20 year expenditures, including infrastructure, pensions, roads, parking etc. It has to be taken care of, it’s our city.

3. Budget Process needs to be more streamlined: For instance, certain council members do not review line items, or analysis before voting on the Levy. When D303 President, we presented detailed budget line items, staff presented analysis, then a short time later presented on how it affects the levy, then we would vote. I also asked them to structure a read easy press release synopsis to be released to the public along with the specifics. For the city, we need to discuss IMEA, infrastructure, pensions, and bonds before we make levy decisions. Though I know it was a different time, every year I was an elected on D303, we issued a taxpayer rebate.

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

It is a very delicate balance between new progressive development and keeping the quaintness and charm of St Charles with its limitations. It’s important to maintain a percentage of open space through our parks, open prairie, and golf course. Making sure we keep our historic riverview skyline near our mainstreet is important to keeping what makes St Charles, St Charles. Meanwhile adding new business, thriving restaurant and shops, businesses to sustain a bustling mainstreet for decades. In regards to the need for infrastructure upgrades, I have addressed that in a separate area.

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

As many of us know we need to make improvements to the paths along the river that have gone into disrepair over the past 5 years. Also we need to structurally review the walking bridge by Prairie St. Bike ability and Walk ability are two of my priorities for enhancing the movability of the city. There are parts of the riverwalk that has been prone to flooding in recent years as well. There are federal and state grants as well as the group to Connect the Great Western Trail that has made headway for funding that we should be partnering with. They are working on it from Chicago through the suburbs past STC enhancing the connectivity, so it makes sense for the city to have a representative involved with that plight. Another issue we have discussed is the lack of parking specifically on the east side that came up on the $60,000 study the city did on parking! When I was on the Housing Commission, we were the concept team that came up with the low income housing trust we have today. There is no reason we could not create the same for parking for new large developments or businesses. They have to provide a percentage of their parking or a financial equivalent for a trust to build parking at a later date.

What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?

This is a great question and one I have been passionate about since our previous mayor. Due to my business background, I have always believed we needed a commission/council for economic growth or development with support from a dedicated staff member and assigned council member. We are blessed with successful businesses in STC who have wonderful ideas on what kind of businesses we could draw, or even how to help a new business that is struggling before they have to shutter their doors. These bright business owners, retired business brains, should make up a council, work collaboratively to shape our city, guide other small businesses and propose ideas to staff to seek out to bring to our wonderful city. While we have the business alliance with a $1 million budget, I haven’t seen that budget used to the edges of our city. I know 20% of their budget is earmarked for 7th -7th, but I would like to see the rest of the city revenue budget truly used for local businesses from boundary line to boundary line.

City Council should be taking an active and collaborative approach to bring redevelopment to the Mall property on the east side. By it staying idle for over 4 years and not generating revenue, it’s a big miss for the city. It is a project for all hands on deck to get moving to bring revenue and commerce back into our city economy.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

While I believe we have the greatest STCFD and STCPD, it is always a concern to make sure there is a proper amount of well-trained police and fire. Also STCPD has had some of their senior staff retiring and would like to see council support them. There are concerns with safe pedestrian crossings in downtown, especially in the evening. I would like to see a larger foot police presence in the evenings and events for safety. As someone who created and sat on both the Kane County Opioid and Fox Valley Vape committees, I would like to see the continued commitment and efforts from STCPD and council, to keep our youth safe from substance sales and usage.

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

Any city functions more fluidly when all parties work together and take pride in their hometown. This includes intergovernmental agencies, which I was integral in my many years as an elected official. We prioritized the needs of our citizens and made Haines and Thompson fields available to the Park District public, as well as the Library users during times of transition and expanded recreational time. We extended the inclusion of our Transition Students into Haines and into our Library all by collaboration with multi-departments. I would like to bring that coordination back to the City Council. Most of the policies we made were no cost, but inclusionary to many demographics that had not been reached in the past. I made a first step in the 3rd ward already in regarding promoting inclusion for all residents, by including our multi-unit dwelling structures in a voter registration drive, as one example. I would like to see resident cultural committees expanded so St Charles feels like home to everyone who lives here. As I mentioned, not everything has to be a budget line item, communication, effort and energy to care-Those are all free.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

Yes. Yes. Yes. I believe it is the duty of the ten council members and the mayor to keep each other to a higher standard of integrity and ethics. If you are aware of a conflict of interest, begin the process; speak to them individually, then if that is not effective, in front of council, then bring in legal channels. We not only hold ourselves to the highest level of regard to the voter, and our country, but the constitution on which this country was formed.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

As a previous elected official, I am comfortable with being accessible to the constituents. I have a history and reputation for being responsive and available to my constituents. First and foremost, meeting attendance is necessary. We have not had leadership in our ward for attendance and communication until recent months with this election cycle. As an alderman you need to be informed to push the information out to the public. I would continue my weekly open hours to constituents, work on a monthly email newsletter, and continue the quarterly ward meetings with our other ward alderman. Remember I represent you.