Kane County sheriff to enforce drive sober campaign beginning Friday

Police Car

The Kane County Sheriff’s Office will hold a ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ Independence Day campaign from Friday, June 21, to Monday, July 8.

Officers will work to keep impaired drivers off the road and ticket unbuckled motorists, according to a news release from the office.

“It’s a straightforward message: If you’re behind the wheel, stay sober,” Sheriff Ron Hain said in the release. “Don’t drink, use marijuana or consume any other impairing substances before or when driving. Our officers will be on duty around the clock, dedicated to enforcing traffic laws and most importantly, saving lives.”

This campaign is a collaboration between the Kane County Sheriff, Illinois State Police and more than 200 local police and sheriffs’ departments to enhance statewide enforcement during this period, according to the release.

To ensure a fun and safe holiday celebration, the Kane County Sheriff’s Office urges everyone to follow these tips:

  • Designate a sober driver before heading out.
  • Prevent friends and family members from driving under the influence.
  • If impaired, use safe alternatives such as taxis, public transit and ridesharing apps, or contact a sober friend or family member for a ride.
  • Use designated driver programs available in your community.
  • Report suspected drunk drivers promptly to law enforcement by pulling over and dialing 911.
  • Ensure that all passengers buckle up. It’s not only the law, but also a crucial defense against impaired drivers.